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Posted: 9 years, 12 months ago
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Per Diem (or "per day") is an "allowance" taken PRE-TAX from your paycheck that is meant to reimburse your daily expenses brought on by not being at home . . . food, shelter, other expenses . . . the company subtracts about $54 (somewhere in that range) per day ("Per Diem") and tacks it on your paycheck without paying taxes - you or the company - and this lowers your overall tax liability at years' end . . . it's an accounting thing . . . some people prefer paying taxes and getting more of a refund - a pseudo-savings account . . . others like the lower tax payments to the money grubbers - the IRS . . .
Can anyone shed any light that has worked for Dart about what that guy was saying on Glassdoor.com??
Posted: 9 years, 12 months ago
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Hey guys, brand new to the forum.
I just got my Class A 2 months ago, and i'm trying to decide which company to go with.
In my research, i'm thinking about Dart, but I found a review on Glassdoor.com where a former employee said they say they'll pay you .34 cpm, but then after taking out per diem for the taxes, you end up making .28 cpm??
Can anyone shed any light on what per diem is all about?
Posted: 9 years, 12 months ago
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What's per diem all about?
Ahh, I get it now.
So what that guy was saying about Dart probably is the truth then? The amount of money they take out, equals out to be about .28 cpm?