Profile For Rick Dees

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Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Best companies for teams?

Yes they are strictly a team operation

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Best companies for teams?

I have been driving almost 2 years now so still realtively new but talked to some team drivers since I have been out. Check out Quest..I have talked to a few of their drivers and all were very happy with them.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Is Community College Training a bad idea?

Most of the time community college is less expensive and you are not a slave to a certain company that requires you to stay with them for a certain amount of's what I did and I would say it's the better way to go..good luck!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Automated driverless trucks?

You have nothing to worry about..someone said above a decade or two..I think it will be a lot longer than that. The most I could see in the next 20 years might be some kind of auto pilot feature maybe on long straight roads across country like Int 80... An automated truck across Wyoming in January??.no way! Navigating Chicago, Atlanta?? Nope.

I would say of you were born in the year 2100 you might have something to worry's all good for now and beyond.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Truck Stops vs. Rest Areas

It depends..if you can park at a shipper or receiver that is always best because you can save your clock. I like rest areas the best but they are not always the most convenient. Ohio has some awesome travel plazas. Often when you get in the eastern half of the US if you don't find a parking place by 6pm you are going to start to have a tough time.. if the big name truck stops are full always look for the mom and pop ones..usually there is parking there..sometimes you have to get creative .

Don't forget walmart..a lot of those have parking areas. You will find out west it's a lot easier to find parking..wide open spaces and big lots. I dread going back down south, especially Florida..very tough finding parking there..and getting outta there..that's another story. Good Luck!

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Article:Throwaway Truckers

Yea sometimes I feel like this but I will take this job any day over an office job now that my kids are grown.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Do you fear autonomous trucking technology?

Nothing to see here..move along. Can you see autonomous trucks going through Wyoming in the winter? ..the winds the temps, the ice, the's not happening anytime soon. Trucking companies are hiring like gangbusters! It's all good for now. 100 years down the road.. who knows. The transportation industry as we know it will have to drastically change and it's probably not like we think it will.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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What is your day to day attire when trucking?

To be a real super trucker you have to wear a sleeveless wife beater t shirt, jeans, sunglasses have a pony tail and a scuzzy beard.

Really since most of my runs are 3-5 days long..shorts, jeans, or windbreaker pants, the shirt, tennis shoes or crocs when I am driving. Depends on the weather of course.

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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No Second Amendment for truckers?

Lot's of 2nd Amendment related changes coming from the Trump administration. They are in the process of trying to implement some kind of; If you deny my carry rights on the job you are liable for my safety. Reciprocal carry rights everywhere. And more to come. Trying to roll back years of creeping legislation that was designed to slowly take away our rights.

Thats sounds like a great plan..about time!

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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No Second Amendment for truckers?


This happened not long ago..The driver in this situation would have been better just calling the police..his life was not being threatened at the time.

If you do decide to carry and ignore company policy..use common sense.. its ultimately a decision between your life or your job..what's more important ?

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