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Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Costs of Living - Starting Out
Okay, so again... I wonder if an average sized girl would be able to do that. My guess is, probably not. The Dude, what do you think since you have gotten some experience within the last 2 months?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Costs of Living - Starting Out
Yes, I have been watching her(AllieKnight.com) videos for a while as well. I wonder if she replies to email responses. If so, maybe I could contact her for questions if she wouldn't be bothered by it.
Also, paying my bills is very important for me right now so I will be looking more into reefer driving as well as flatbed. However, I am really not sure if flatbedding is that easy. Who is this guy? http://www.getloaded.com/blog/post/Why-Drive-Flatbed-Loads-Trucks. He says that flat is one of the most physically demanding jobs for a trucker in the first sentence! Lol...
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Costs of Living - Starting Out
I'm flatbed at Prime in my 2nd month solo. I've been grossing about $1100 per week on average since being solo. During training I grossed a minimum of $700 per week, but usually a little more.
Okay, this could explain why you are making enough to cover all of your expenses. I heard that flatbed trucking pays much more than dry van, box, or refrigerated. I have considered applying for flatbed but I am afraid I might not be able to do it because I'm a girl. Not that I would be prissy or not do my work or anything. What I mean is, I just want to stay within my realistic limitations.
Perhaps if I have bills to pay, flatbed trucking might be the way to go. Can you please provide some insight on how hard it is? And honestly, do you think the average girl could do the job? When I say the average girl, I'm asking you to consider a girl on the weaker side not a girl on the stronger side. Obviously, a very athletic girl who is 6' tall might be able to do it. How about the other ones? Do you think this is realistic?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Racy Work History - Please Help
I got let out of a lease once by showing the landlord that I had been employed in another city and had to move.
I've seen that in contacts, too. Liz seems to be dealing with a landlord that either writes his own, of doesn't know what's in them.
Yes, exactly! My landlord wrote the lease and it is pretty short and to the point. To be honest, when I moved in it seemed like a good deal in a perfect location so I didn't pay attention to the lease that was very short. I read it of course but I didn't have any objections at the time. There is no termination agreement that is listed and I now realize that I do not want to continue with the line of work I am in. It is good money but I am miserable. I dream of driving a truck everyday. Not only that, I have been missing a lot of work because I just don't want to be there anymore (I set my own schedule).
Anyway, it would be nice to terminate my lease but my landlord doesn't want to budge. I also don't want to push too much because I DO NOT want an eviction, which will look bad on my record no doubt. I am going to keep trying to find someone who can rent the place but so far it just isn't looking good. Again, as far as I know my only options are finding someone to rent it or buying out of it by paying 3 months in advance. After 6 months I would only have to pay 2 months rent to buy out and after 9 months it's only one month's rent. It's a year lease that I started in January so I am in it until December. :-(
Have a good night guys if you are turning in now. I will continue to check back in for your responses and can also check tomorrow as well. I am still looking for good suggestions and I hope that getting into a truck this year isn't some far off pipe dream.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Costs of Living - Starting Out
Okay, well that sounds realistic since I have been reading that most trainees get paid at lease $400 per week. I have a question though, you said you can save about $1,000 per month. How long have you been driving? What did you make for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd month driving? Also, if you feel comfortable saying, who do you drive for?
I guess that last question might be a little personal. Not sure if you feel comfortable answering that, but, I am curious to know how much you made during your 1st - 3rd month's driving.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Racy Work History - Please Help
I already tried something similar to that and my landlord wouldn't go for it. He said I had to pay a 3 month buyout with no exceptions. He said if I found someone to move in, he might give me a partial refund but he couldn't confirm how much or when he would send it. I have been trying to discuss ways to get out of it with him for about a month now. :-( I am pretty much stuck here unless I find someone.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Racy Work History - Please Help
Unfortunately, I can not get out of the lease without paying a three month exit fee, which would be a almost $3,000. While that is doable for me, I just do not want to give up that much. Especially when I need to have some money saved up on the side when I first start out. :-(
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Costs of Living - Starting Out
Does anyone know if I will be able to afford food on the road AND a nearly $1000 per month living expense for rent/utilities during my first few months as a driver? I have been trying to rent out my apartment, but after going through three months of people who have flaked out on me or people who I just do not trust in my apartment, I do not think I am going to find anyone. I am also locked into a lease until the end of the year (Dec. 2015) and I do not want to wait to start trucking until next year. Therefore, I have no choice but to keep my apartment. Savings are not very important to me during the 1st year, I just want to be able to pay my rent. Can anyone let me know if that is possible with a little over a $1,000 bill? Especially within the first 3 - 6 months of driving?
I also plan on having a crock pot/slow cooker in my truck once I go solo so that should cut down on the costs for food.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Perfect, thank you! I think that is the most reasonable answer so far. I think I will put entertainer for the job description and Independent Contractor for the job title.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Racy Work History - Please Help
Hey Errol V. Sorry, I just got it. I haven't been checking my email or this website too much today because, to my surprise, I think I might have found a girl who wants to rent out the master bedroom in my apartment! That would bring my rent down to only $400, which is totally affordable during my first 6 months of trucking. I am so excited about this that I haven't been thinking about too much else. Unfortunately, it's not a sure thing yet until she brings over the deposit tomorrow. So, we'll see what happens!
Thx for checking back, btw!