Columbus, GA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Omg Minnie me lol. I take it your talking about an angle back between two trailers or trucks. First of all breathe 2nd screw everybody else you got to not worry about that that puts to much pressure on you. Ok so maybe this will help you two things a vet showed me and it works.first when angle backing between two trailers or trucks you got to get the picture and what I mean is take your driver side tandems and keep them on the line on the drivers idea if there is one or closest to the trailor on the driver side hence creating the pic if I'm that close on drivers idea I'm good on the otherside. 2nd get some flashlight or something lay them down and keep close to them. Hope this helps it did me because what you explained was exactly me. Laughing at yourself is a great thing because if anyone was going to criticize you it shuts them up. I did my first blind side back yesterday at 3 am after driving 11hrs I was tired it was dark concrete walls all around very tight quarters and docks were at angle and trucks all around point is omg I did it but took me 50 minstrel lol but I learned so much.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Times coming for me to choose my truck and I would like to hear some feedback on both. Two choices are Volvo vn670 or international prostar.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Son Getting CDL w/ Learning Disability
Post's like this really hit home with me. I also have a learning disability and was told I'd never get my cdls or be a professional driver. They were wrong!!!! I to had problems with backing and shifting and took me longer and had to retest backing 3 times but I did it. Luckily my 2nd school was very patient and determined to see me succeed. Please tell your son not to give up. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Yeah just yesterday one guy was killed at the hotel and a truck stolen at the other . After training I plan to stay away as much as possible.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Lmao you aren't lying right in the middle of the capital for mugging , love the people though. Just waiting on trainer then I'll get out of here
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks all I will be out of the Atlanta GA terminal running the southern region after training
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Just officially got hired at Knights. Got driver code just waiting on trainer.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Need some feed back on tools and etc for stocking company truck when first starting solo I've got a cooler, Randy McNally and hammer.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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After running into some difficulties and trying two other great companies who just didn't meet my needs, I just finished day one orientation at Knight and like it so far. I hope that I will find the training that I need here and everything will work out but if not I refuse to give up or to be negative about it. I love the challenges and just need experience shifting and backing. I believe it was Brett that told me that there's really no such thing as a bad company but that you just have to find the one that meets your needs, forgive me if that was not word for word. Thank you all for your support and knowledge.
Until next time Stay calm And truck on
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Knight over the road training
Hey everyone just wanted to give a quick update. I am finishing up week 5 of my training and loving it. Can't believe how much you can grow in just weeks. I've experienced a vast variety of things which I've learned from each. Knight training is usually only 4 weeks long but after realizing I could benefit from 2 more weeks of training I spoke to my trainer and driver development and it was granted and appreciated that I recognised the fact and asked.