Profile For RedBeard

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    Chapel Hill, TN

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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    10 years ago

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Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Flatbed companies hiring east of 95?


I will call them all tomorrow, but I don't think Maverick does since they have a hiring map that is all west of 95. Gypsum Express hires out of somewhere in South Carolina but their recording said "the Carolines". I haven't looked up Decker or ATS yet.


You can also try McElroy, their map looks like it stops at 95, but it never hurts to ask. Sometimes, a company may make an exception, if they know they can get you home, and you are close enough to where their freight moves.

Is a move west of 95 possible in the future? if so, that can make a difference, also.

good luck, and stay safe

I drive for McElroy and they will i hire someone from jacksonville nc. I know this cause one of the guys from class during training was from jacksonville nc. Now just letting you know you will be running the northest a lot and thank god you carolina_boys get those runs and not us tennessee boys. We mainly run KY IN IL TN AL MS GA NC OH MI. But heard that most of the guys over there run up there like VA WV MD OH PA NH NY NC SC GA. Now if you want to haul any coils McElroy is not the company for you, none of the carolina boys haul coils hell them boys aint even got chains or binders.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Tennessee troopers take to truck to nab texters

Dude no **** i got behind that thing on 24 westbound right inside nasvhille beside the stadium last week. I got on the cb and tried to talk them but no answer, was kinda bummed out but i didnt know it was for catching people texting i thought it was a way to teach kids how to drive around and be aware of CMVs.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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McElroy Truck Lines

I am glad to see that this thread is thriving. When I first posted it there was not much to find about McElroy. I think it is a great company that has really grown recently. Please keep the updates coming! Thanks!!!

yea holy crap i had no idea this thread has over a 100 post it really has taken off.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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McElroy Truck Lines

Man i am extremely sorry about your father. I am glad they routed you in for that and you got to be with him.

Thats cool that you got a 2015 but sucks you had to pay for it with truck problems and good that mcelroy is working out for you. I am loving it getting ok miles not the most but enough to pay the bills. I had a couple of truck issues but they fixed themso its all good now.

Wow did docrob tell you what i did? That was most definitely the truckers walk of shame so embarassing.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Experience question

Thanks guys for the replys i started with mcelroy on may 8th training was 7 weeks long and i have been solo for like 6 or 7 weeks and i know that i am supposed to stay at my 1st job for a year but there is a sweet job offer local after 9 months of experience with Ryder plus not mention my girlfriend is making it hell for me with me being gone during the week. So i was trying to a get a time period of when to apply for the job. By the way its a home daily flatbed job those are rare in my neck of the woods.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Experience question

Does experience start as soon as you get hired or as soon as you go solo? If it is only when you go solo how will other companies know? Just like how will dot know how long it took for you actually unstrap, fold traps, and get unloaded?

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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May or Prime Trucking to Start Out

My buddy drives for may and loves it they install everything for you like a mounted tv, fridge, and microwave all you do is ask and they do it. Now about pay not sure but he says he does good cause he is getting around 3000 a week, but he is gone 3 to 4 weeks at a time with 4 to 6 days of hometime. He goes out west a lot so its easier to get miles out there than the east. He says the hardest part of his job is sliding tandems and his 5th wheel. Hope that helps.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Pros & cons of the different types of trailers?


I generally prefer a somewhat active life style (one of the things I enjoyed about Americorps, yeah the work was hard at times but it was overall a good experience). I did call center work for 5 years and hated it, it was easy but mentally stressful.


Honestly, for anyone who enjoys physical activity, I think flatbed is a good bet. And the fact that you hated a job where you did nothing but sit and talk all day makes me think flatbed is an even better bet. And I'm not saying that to try and recruit you to my "side," I just think you might find it more rewarding and satisfying.

The analogy was simply meant to show that flatbedders are like all-american heroes and everyone else is evil ;)

Hot damn aint that the truth! I also aint trying to get you come to our side but i was in your shoes and i choose flatbed. I am so glad i did yea it sucks sometimes like untraping or tarping in the rain and fight with your tarps for a hour or more cause the wind is blowing them around but its so enjoyable when you get the load there safely and dry. Like i hauled my first single coil this week it was only 44000 but when they took it off and you saw you trailer bow back up it didnt matter that i waited five hours at the shipper, took it the wrong place, had it tarp it twice, and was covered in sweat it felt simply AMAZING! Not to mention if you cant tell on here but a lot of the flatbedders stick together and help each other out with folding tarps or telling a rookie where to throw his straps at and much more. Thats just my two cents

oh and i know it sounded like i was complaining a lot and i did but after it came off my trailer i totally forgot it about.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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I have a CB question.

I cant help you but others might if you say what make, model and year your truck is just saying.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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McElroy Truck Lines

Cuba was fine...Everybody was helpful, serious about the job as should be but they also try to make it fun...Bruce Moore is your main instructor, great guy with a lot of knowledge and stories...Shawn does the simulator and CBT's (computer based training) and we had another driver trainer that was helping out named Terry Edwards, another good guy...Again they are serious about the job but also willing to poke fun and make it enjoyable...Got my first load assignment today so spending the night in Philadelphia............Mississippi not PA and head home tomorrow for weekend and deliver in Frisco TX Monday morning....when you go to Cuba if you drive your truck or they have yours there assigned already then be sure to take some cleaning supplies and you can clean the inside of your truck that week.....Road test with Bruce, you'll write directions off Qualcomm and then use them to follow your route. Basically just don't hit anything, he knows you'll prob grind some gears but just keep control of your rig and trailer. If you miss a turn he'll tell you, just don't freak out, find a good turn around spot to pull in and turn around. If it's a tight right turn use a button hook. You'll do 2-3 trip plans, simple short hand with mileage and show a fuel stop. On the backing skills just take your time, get out and many times as you need, pull up if you need to..looking and pulling up are free...just be in control of your trailer...The S back is kinda tight and the serpentine is 3 cones...I stopped and looked 4-5 times just to make sure my trailer was setting up right and they'd rather you do that then pull a bumper off.

yea bruce and shawn a great guys congrats on being solo, but about terry edwards not sure you got to know him to well cause we all call him meathead and thats what he goes by. Did you see his picture on the training wall with a mullet its the best he said he is going to grow it back out.

oh good point about the s curve that thing was tough sorry i have not been on here to tell you about it, its tough on the road mainly cause of ajusting to lifestyle when your with the trainer its kinda of like having a good cushion but being solo its hard having to find the consignee while doing your scans and setting up for those tight corners. I know its looks like i am just whining and complaing but i am trying to just telling its gets very exhausting out there. The funny thing is my instructor told me i would be but didnt believe him oh i do now so all i can say is get your rest at home and during the week.

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