Lobos Interstate services? They have ads on Craigslist saying if you sign a three month employment contract with them, they will pay for your CDL training. But I can't find out where they do the training or anything about the program.
Whitney L.
Thanks for providing this comment about our Craigslist post. I will agree their are a lot of companies posting ads on craigslist for false jobs or scamming opportunities. I can assure you, this is not one of those ads. We are located in Lindon Ut, and have recently started up a trucking school opportunity for people who want to obtain their Class A CDL. We have been working diligently on trying to get the word out of what we offer and Craigslist is our only avenue currently. We help people get their Class A CDL based on certain criteria, they will either have to pay tuition, quailify for free tuition, or be transfered to one of our well connected partners Get Trucker Jobs to receive additional help. Our goal at Lobos is to help as many people as we can obtain their Class A CDL, and teach/show them how to drive a truck, and how to make a career out of it. We teach more than just driving, we show you, and help you understand how the business works and want to pass on the knowledge of our experienced drivers. Feel free to call our toll free number: 888-516-0075 and speak with one of our recruiters! if you have any additional questions, comments concerns, feel free to email me at: jobs@lobosinterstate.com
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Anyone heard of Lobos Interstate Services?
Whitney L. Thanks for providing this comment about our Craigslist post. I will agree their are a lot of companies posting ads on craigslist for false jobs or scamming opportunities. I can assure you, this is not one of those ads. We are located in Lindon Ut, and have recently started up a trucking school opportunity for people who want to obtain their Class A CDL. We have been working diligently on trying to get the word out of what we offer and Craigslist is our only avenue currently. We help people get their Class A CDL based on certain criteria, they will either have to pay tuition, quailify for free tuition, or be transfered to one of our well connected partners Get Trucker Jobs to receive additional help. Our goal at Lobos is to help as many people as we can obtain their Class A CDL, and teach/show them how to drive a truck, and how to make a career out of it. We teach more than just driving, we show you, and help you understand how the business works and want to pass on the knowledge of our experienced drivers. Feel free to call our toll free number: 888-516-0075 and speak with one of our recruiters! if you have any additional questions, comments concerns, feel free to email me at: jobs@lobosinterstate.com