Profile For Matthew W.

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Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Failed drug test

Nope, asked them to check the 2nd vile. Said No. I hired 2 lawyers with no help...

The urine is tested 12 times for each sample provided. The biggest question is did you use illegal drugs?

First of all, did you do any marijuana or not and when a DOT drug screen is collected it is required that the specimen be a split specimen so that if the first specimen is considered positive the donor has the right to dispute the results and pay to have the other half of the specimen sent to a second lab at the donor's expense and retested by another lab. This confirms the first test since they are both part of the same specimen collected. If the second specimen comes back the same or different then the only way to fix that is either fight it in court or do another drug screen ASAP as an Observed collection and then there is no chance of anyone saying that the specimen was tampered with. DOT has no tolerance for any types of drugs in someone's system, other than meds that are legally prescribed by a physician for a specific reason. Since it is 6 months left with the current situation, not much to do but wait it out and make sure that you never put yourself into a situation where that can happen again.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Failed drug test

It has been 2 years 4 month's, since I failed a drug test. For a Major Carrier. I have only 8 more months till it come off my DAC. It has been a long road. The problem was it was a messed up test. Before I went to the Carrier, I went and up dated my Med. Card. Which includes a drug test. Passed with a 2 year card. 3 days later they said I failed for marijuana was sent home. As soon as I arrived at Home went back and took another drug test. Passed... But the damage was already done. 3 years on my DAC for a fail.. It has been terrible working all kinds of jobs. Digging trenches to mowing. Can't wait to drive again.....

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Can a 4th time be a Charm??????

Well, 3 times I went out on the road and something happened at home with my family being sick.From my sons Bacterial Meningitis that nearly killed him to my wife's Lungs that were so infected that we thought see would pass away in the hospital.Then me,Surgery! Wow!.Now to the present day.I work for the City of Dallas 19.00 an hour not bad.But something is missing,something keeps pushing me back for the road.It wakes me up thinking what am I missing? I am missing out on a dream.My dream no one else's,mine.I worry that my family will get sick again but I cant let that stop me.I quit my job yesterday my wife does not know this yet.Oh $#&*.She is going to kill me.But I hope she will see my Dream. 10-4......

I took your advice,I told her.You are so right.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Can a 4th time be a Charm??????

Well, 3 times I went out on the road and something happened at home with my family being sick.From my sons Bacterial Meningitis that nearly killed him to my wife's Lungs that were so infected that we thought see would pass away in the hospital.Then me,Surgery! Wow!.Now to the present day.I work for the City of Dallas 19.00 an hour not bad.But something is missing,something keeps pushing me back for the road.It wakes me up thinking what am I missing? I am missing out on a dream.My dream no one else's,mine.I worry that my family will get sick again but I cant let that stop me.I quit my job yesterday my wife does not know this yet.Oh $#&*.She is going to kill me.But I hope she will see my Dream. 10-4......

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Came home class c in the mail

Well what a day,came home to find a new DL in my mailbox.Why?I didnt get an up dated Med. card.My fault.Damn%^&*&^@#.Im so stupid....I have to take my test back over again and drive with DPS.......@#$%^&*()....!!!!!!!!

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