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Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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I quit the pot, and I want to drive trucks.

Move to Colorado. Although I bet even those that transport pot can't qualify to do so if they've been smoking.

Even then if a job has a zero tolerance policy on drugs, not limited to marijuana, it will still apply just the same as any other state would. You do a drop or hair test with alcohol in your system you will not get hired, so it is not just potheads who have a hard time with drug testing. Heck eat too many poppy seeds on burger buns can actually give you a false positive for opioids, and certain meds contain large amounts of steroids like a Z-Pak so best not get sick and be on that either.

Yes the war on drugs is a joke but at the same time would you want a bus driver stoned driving kids on a bus? Well without some limits that would be more common because even a class B driver takes a DOT physical that requires a drug test. Also ever stand next to alcoholic? If you have you sometimes can tell because you can get a contact drunk from the smell coming off of them, and yes I know that is not true but some drink some skunk brand stuff.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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DOT pyhsical bomb out today

Basically he had a transient ischemic attack (TIA) which are often labeled as "mini-strokes". A CVA, or Cerebrovascular accident, is a sudden death of some brain cells due to a lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain (IE an actual stroke).

I believe, though I am not positive, that if you have had too many TIA's/CVA's you may have to wait until you show a long enough time without having a repeat attack, more of a safety concern for not only you but other motorist that you will be sharing the road with. It could also be the medication that they have you on as well that might be the hold up, but without the full story on it it is hard to determine what the 5 year thing is offhand.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Yes. So if you see a Swift truck on your street, bring your children inside.

I had one dangerously close to me a few days ago, it was in the other lane heading the opposite way. I have never felt such fear in all my life, I mean what was that driver thinking?? rofl-2.gif

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Good news, found a truck stop lounge not watching Law and Order

Let me know when Killer Clowns from outer space comes on. I need to watch that one again. Oh wait, I think it's on Netflix,,,,, wooohooooo!!!!

You know I had the DVD of that movie but my ex's mom stole it from me, I am still kind miffed about that.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Good news, found a truck stop lounge not watching Law and Order

What you don't like Sharknado?

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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I am sure I will get flack but accidents happen in all companies, however the more trucks you have the more likelihood it will be more noticeable.

Prime trucking accident crash Prime truck rolled over on its side being towed upright

Knight trucking accident crash red Knight truck with a smashed cab

Werner trucking accident crash blue Werner Enterprises truck smashed into the side of another trailer on icy slippery snowy roads

Schneider trucking accident crash orange Schneider truck gets trailer stuck under low bridge

CRST trucking accident crash tan CRST truck rolled over

FedEx trucking accident FedEx truck rolled over on the road

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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I would take those with a grain of salt, they do not give good reasons as to why it took so long or what the issue was. It could be that the person was not able to be trained causing them to think it was Swifts fault, then they will go to Youtube/websites to show people that it is the companys fault.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Gaming and internet help on the road

If you have unlimited internet on your phone and it is Android phone you could always tether it to your computer, although this will void the phones warranty. I would go into depth on how to do this however I am not sure if this is "legal" (phone contract more than legal as breaking the law) or not. Also I do not want to show anyone how to do this in case it damages their phone, and I do not want to be held liable if it does hurt your phone. Mobile internet seemingly is very pricey from what I have researched and Wifi at most truck stops is not very secure so it is a lose lose situation, there are not too many "cheaper" solutions out there to be honest.

As far as gaming being addictive that is a grey area honestly, and personally I do not believe in that theory much myself. I use to play a lot of different games but now I just play a few, and even then it isn't that often anymore. It is no more addictive than tv watching in fact some games have better written stories than those you find in big budget TV programs.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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It is not about how much time you waited so that you are clean for the one drug test, but rather will you remain clean while you are operating an 80,000 lbs vehicle? Honestly I would say stay clean a full year and try again, because the road you will have to be clean or face a lot of legal problems (Note the post by The Persian Conversion). And it is not that I "don't get it" I grew up in a house full of alcoholics and friends who had battles with addictions, everyone makes mistakes and bad choices but you can overcome them if you are willing to change. Saying you quit for about a month and change after 30 years smoking pot does not say if you intend to stay off it while you are on the road, that is why they disqualified you it is a safety hazard to have intoxicated drivers on the road. Wait six months to a year (drug free) and try at a different school, if you cannot stay clean I would reconsider a trucking job.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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I stopped smoking pot months ago but then again I've been smoking weed like people smoking cigarettes. Doctor said its gonna take a year for my system to get clean. But I don't mind being tested often. I have nothing to hide and even told the school before hand...

Even in extreme use cases the chemical that a urine test finds should be out of the system in about 70 days, worst case 90 days but after that it won't read as high. However if you flooded your system with water it could look like you were trying to cover something up, and this will also cause you to fail the test as well since it would be seen as a tampered result. I have to agree with Old School on this one though something is not adding up with the story, not judging or anything just see half of the information makes me kind of sceptical.

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