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Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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How hard to pass D.O.T physical (aspergers+3 meds
Been thinking I can't take this poor as life living with my parents ,gonna probably go off them again and just Keep on trucking . Summers coming up and I'm always less depressed then .
I don't get why we got these dumbass regs when it just makes problems worse ....
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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How hard to pass D.O.T physical (aspergers+3 meds
I have high functioning aspergers and take these meds
Prozac 40mg morning Wellbutrin 100mg morning Buspar 20mg morning Buspar 20 mg night
Only side effect I suffer is sexual in nature ,my aspergers just makes me do poor in social settings but other than that I'm fine . i tried trucking without meds and I did alright but got a bit depressed and went back on them .
I fear If i do get a D.O.T. phsycial well on meds I'll have to disclose aspergers and that means I'll have to list it on every physical after since failures are not sent to the states file .
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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How hard to pass D.O.T physical (aspergers+3 meds
I have a Dr's appointment with my psychatrist on the 10th and will ask her to write me a letter ,I "know" she won't do that though in which case I'm gonna have her take me off the prozac since its the only one with drowsness listed as a "major" side effect (I don't suffer from it though ,plus the wellbutrin is a stimulant )
The problem is once I list aspergers on a D.O.T form it goes into the data base ,if it were depression or the like I could be cured and stop meds . But "aspergers is for life" so meh .