Profile For L_Antonio

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Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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PERMIT.. Redo? Huh?

I don't think you will have to retest, but you will be having a physical done for the company that is doing the training. There are a few states with some funny rules about the permit, but I don't know where you are training. Just an FYI, any time you start a new driving job you will be required to get a new physical.

Old school I'm training with prime

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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PERMIT.. Redo? Huh?

So I got my Ga cdl permit and I'm about to start orientation tomorrow and do my Dot physical for the company. Ga did not require me to get a physical before they issued my permit... So is my permit any good? Or will I have to retest for it all over again for the state my trainings in?

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Thank you Trucking Truth sooooo much for helping me with my studies!!! I used this website along with my book to guide me. I jump on the bus (23hr ride) to prime inc tonight and I will keep you posted on how things are going!!

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Municipal court?

My fiance has been solo out of school since march. He just recieved this from colorado, it says he must appear in municipal court on certain date or warrant for arrest, fines, suspend dl, etc?). I am assuming this would be connected to an accident he had there? He made a sharp turn and hit a yellow cement pole thing. But no one else was involved...or am I missing something and this has nothing to do with trucking? Just got it in mail today and have no idea what's going on. The paper says nothing on why he has to go.

Call the clerks office and they will explain what needs to happen or what will happen.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Cdl permit test HELP!!

Another thing to add, you'll be extremely busy when you get to Prime. You'll have a million things on your mind and the stress really builds up. They don't give you many chances to get your permit and if you don't get it in the time allowed then you'll be sent back home.

Get your permit right now. Before you leave to Prime. Study in the comfort of your own home instead of a shared motel room. The folks who arrive with their permit at hand are days ahead of anyone else. Study the High Road Training Program and you'll have the knowledge to pass your tests.

Brett I work at a prison so I don't have a lot of time to get on the computer as much (16hr shifts) my goal is to complete the whole program before I leave. I love the program tho.. No bs and str8 to the point.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Cdl permit test HELP!!

So I leave for prime orientation in 2wks and while I have been studying and using the practice guide on this website I still wanted know any helpful tips or where to focus my studies. Also a ball park of how many questions there are and how many I can miss.


Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Wish you all good luck and be safe on the road.. I be watching from the side line waiting for my chance very soon..😊

My recruiter just call and said she's had a spot in nxt weeks class.. Tempting but I gotta get my last check from my current job first plus I don't feel like retyping my letter resignation lol

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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How did you all get on the board with Prime Inc.? I had been looking thru all these trucking company.. My only downfall is no money out of pocket for schooling.. Heard lot of complaint about these starter company as cant making a living,get rip off by the companies,sitting no miles to clear etc... What's everybody input on this TT page bout it.. Thanks everybody for the times.. (I am still learning here)

Thomas I picked prime over swift because of the starting pay plus it's 1 on 1 training vs 6 people to 1 instructor plus you get paid really good while your in training and the recruiters really work with you step by step. Just call around and see which one fits you.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Is anyone going to Prime psd training in Missouri May 4th?


Hey there I am schedule to start my PSD training in Missouri on May 4 too....

Where are you coming in from??? Will you be coming with any experience under your belt? Will you have your permit in hand when you arrive?

I am heading in from Dayton, OH planning to arrive on Sunday.......decided to skip the Greyhound ride and having a friend bring me in on

a little "road trip"! I am starting a whole new chapter in my life and leaving a career that I have been secure with for over 22 had lots of OTR exposure with my mother being a trucker and ex-husband but never been the "driver"! I am still trying to decide if I should secure my permit before heading out or just study my A$$ off and be ready to bust it out once I get there.....any input is opening appreciated!!

Hope to see ya on May 4 Antonia!!!

Nope I'm going up there with no Experience. I've been studying for my permit as well.. I kinda wanted to get it before I go but I think I'd do better If I'm actually in the truckers type of setting. I'm coming from augusta Ga I looked on line for what time greyhound leaves and it's gonna take awhile to get up there 😪 but I think around 1pm Sunday. I'm doing flatbed what about you?

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Is anyone going to Prime psd training in Missouri May 4th?

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