san diego, CA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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OshagHennesy On The Web
Currently active duty military (Marine). I completed CDL training at Miller-Motte Technical College in Jacksonville, NC. Aside from the 6-wk training, I have no real world experience. I will leave the military after 13 years of service in April of 2017. I reside in San Diego, CA and hope to start a new career with Werner Trucking after the military.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I spoke with Katie of Werner recruiting on Tuesday. I wrote down a few questions I wanted answered:
Q. Where would I go for training? (I'm in San Diego, CA) A. Nearest terminal is Fontana, CA.
Q. When should I begin my application? A. Grad certificate is good for 3 yrs. Apply before the 3rd yr anniversary of completing a CDL school and I can go on as a student driver.
Q. Endorsements? A. Not needed but encouraged.
Q. Is relocation necessary? A. Your truck goes where ever you go. So you can live anywhere in the 48 states. *my brother who has over 10yrs experience, advises against taking the truck home*
Q. Veteran's Programs? A. I can get the money that I used from my GI Bill to pay for my course, payed back to me at $250/mo., up to $7500.
Q. Average Pay? A. 35 cents/mi (solo) and 42 cents/mi (team)
Q. What if the trainer is not a good fit? A. You may request a new trainer at any time.
If there are other questions that I missed -and I'm sure there are- please advise. I'll be applying in February of 2017, hoping for a start date of NLT April 6, 2017.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Career Change: Leaving Marine Corps to Hit the Open Road
I've decided to hang up the uniform after 13 years (E-6/SSgt). I first got a CDL back in 2014 in North Carolina but transferred to California. I didn't take the CDL written test when I got to California. I've been told that I'll only have to take the written to get the CDL back. However, I feel that driving in California is different and probably more difficult than North Carolina because of the mountainous regions which I have no experience in. So I feel I should attend another truck driving school. I'm located in San Diego, CA and have Western Truck Driving School in mind. I'm open to suggestions about company sponsored training and good companies that will give a rookie a chance to get their start.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Understanding CSA and SAFER Scoring System
Hi ladies and gents. I'm trying to do a little investigating of my own into a few companies. I really want to understand how companies are rated according to the CSA and SAFER systems so that I can make a good decision about a company. I feel that it is important to know because it gives me a little insight into how serious a company takes safety. If they are having a lot of targeted inspections that means that they may not be training the drivers all that well or that the driver just doesn't care. It's also important to know how well a company maintains their equipment. When ever I do finally get an interview, I want to have a better idea of how this works so I can speak intelligently when I talk about research I've done for that particular company. Am I over-thinking it?
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Freight Brokering - Pros and Cons.
I've been considering the same. Found a few places that offer training online and self-paced. Expensive course too but I'm using GI Bill. I may never have a business out of it but it would further my knowledge of the industry and give me another job opportunity if I decided that the road isn't for me. You can never go wrong with more training. Good luck.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Really thinking of becoming an owner/operator AFTER I get a few years of experience. Although some companies offer an early opportunity, I don't think a new driver should take that dive. What are the costs or routine expenses? How do you get and stay in business?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Here's A New dash cam crash caught on roadway
What an idiot.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Can someone explain in terms that a rookie can understand, how to shift a 13 or 18 speed transmission. I trained using an Eaton Fuller 10 speed. I have seen the 18 speed transmission in the Kenworth T-680 and it seems very intimidating.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Hey ladies and gents,
I've heard that when people drive team, they make more money. My question though is how is the HOS for each driver managed? How is the pay managed per driver?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Just wanted to know what brand of truck that you favor. I'm really like Kenworth trucks. I've always liked them probably because I remember my dad driving one. I visited a dealership (Inland Kenworth) in California. I love the T680. Comfort and convenience. Technological innovations a plenty. That price tag though.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Spoke With Werner
I can't hire on until April because that's when my contract is up.