Profile For Keiler M.

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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Anyone know a company out of vegas or that hires from there that has good miles and APUs?

Thanks for replying, I looked into them when I was starting OTR. I got used to driving dry van and don't know if I'd want to do reefer. I might reconsider if I don't find a decent dry van company with apus or just stick it out where I am till i get enough exp to go to a better place.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Anyone know a company out of vegas or that hires from there that has good miles and APUs?

Hello, thanks for reading my post. I am wondering if anyone knows of any company that I can look into that hires in Las Vegas that has decent miles/pay and offers APUs. I have 19 months driving exp, 9 of them OTR 11 Western for the most part. I'd like to still run 11 western. I don't mind running hard as I often do 500-650 miles a day when possible and work my 14s with no problem

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Floor mat?? Need advice

Go to a sporting goods store, in the backpack section. The 1/2" foam sleeping pads are good enough you can lay on on the snow and still stay warm in a sleeping bag.

That'll work for cooler.

So I'd put the side I would be sleeping on, on the floor right? for it to work I'm assuming lol.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Floor mat?? Need advice

I used a couple old beach towels under mine. It will help it get cooler a lot quicker.

Maybe ill put them over the styrofome haha! thanks

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Floor mat?? Need advice

Buy 1" styrofoam house insulation (1/2" if they have it) with duck tape from Home Depot.

Styrofoam is #1- look at a styrofoam cup with hot coffee.

Thanks a lot, i'm assuming at Home depot or Lowe's?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Floor mat?? Need advice

Hello, I am wondering if any of you put down some sort of floor mat to keep the heat from the floor of the truck away. I bought a cooler that plugs in and it dictates the inside temperature by the ambient temperature. For instance, if inside my truck is 70 the cooler will cool down to 30.. I want to put it on the floor but the floor is really hot so I think it will kind of defeat the purpose. Someone told me to buy those shades for the cars and put it down (don't know if that'll work) just wanted to hear some advice if someone had gone through a similar situation.

Also, does anyone have the ARB fridge freezer? I want to buy the 82 quart one, hope is not too big for the truck, the difference from the lower sizes is just in height and width and not in longitude so that's why I rather get the bigger one any comments? I drive a volvo 670 at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Video: Instant Karma When Car Cuts Off Trucker

The cop kinda cuts him off as well lol.. It just looks really bad..

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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How does home time work?

I was wondering if I could fit a bike in the sleeper. So, it's doable? Or would it attach to the back of the truck somehow?

I plan to only get "home" to see family a couple/few times a year, which is about how often I see most of my family now. The rest of my home time I plan to take whenever and wherever I happen to be when I reach certain financial goals, or feel like I just need a break.

Following this thread, since I have similar curiosities. . . For instance, how much notice would I need to give? Say I've been out for 6 weeks (or 6 months, like the OP) and I'm assigned a load to say, Des Moines. I see the Iowa Cubs have a games that weekend, would it be out of line to ask to take home time right after that delivery, or will my dispatch need more notice than that? I understand every dispatcher/company may be different, just wondering if that sort of thing is done, or if it's frowned upon. I guess what I'm asking is, how far out does dispatch have me (at least tentatively) planned, so therefore, how much notice for home time should I give?

I couldn't say for sure, I am starting soon to work for Knight Transportation, just waiting for a trainer. Here we do not have forced dispatch so you can actually decline a load, so in that way, if you can plan on to get to a certain city and you delivered there you could probably take your reset there or find a way to do it since you can decline any load they might throw at you, or simply talk to the DM and explain, maybe it won't be a problem. The other companies however, they expect you to run and have forced dispatch, they don't want you out there vacationing, that's something you sometimes get to do out of luck.

It could be do able, I'll let some of the more experienced guys tell you more about it, I know, "OldSchool" he gets some fun when he gets a chance, if you find some of his posts he says how you can manage your time very well, check him out.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Dont have a cdl yet but got a speeding ticket

When you don't have a cdl getting a speeding offense is not that big of a deal. Do a Google search for traffic lawyers in your area, pay like $50 for it, and within couple of weeks you'll get it dismissed or turned into a parking ticket, no school, no points on your license, it never happened. I got one before I had my cdl and did exactly that, didn't have to put it on my record because it never got there. So don't sweat it and do just that and you'll be just fine. I wish we had 2 separate licenses, because when I am on my own time, I want to get to where I need to go, doing 80-85 is perfectly safe in today's modern vehicles.. But you get reprimanded for it so yea.. anyways, good luck with your ticket, but you shouldn't have any problems, just don't tell any companies and get it resolved as quickly as possible.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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How does home time work?

I know most companies give you 1 day home time for 6 days out on the road but lets say that if i want to be on the road for 6 months or so would they force me to take my home time?

I think they would love that, not sure they would force you to take home time. One question you might want to ask them though is if you can accumulate a certain amount of days of by staying out that long, that way you can maybe take a vacation somewhere for like 3 weeks or more, which I don't know if they would allow their truck to sit that much or you may find someone else using your truck. I know that if I stayed out that long I would want to go on a vacation somewhere for couple of weeks haha.

You can also take your hometime in any city you want, it doesn't have to be your home location (or so I've heard). Buy a bicycle and put in the truck with you so you can go explore around on other cities while you take couple of days off. You got a free place to sleep, all you gotta do is pay for the shower at the truck stop and food. It doesn't sound like a bad deal, I know if I was single that's the kind of lifestyle I would live, so it can be a little bit more rewarding. I wouldn't pay rent, I'd put everything in a storage, and my car is paid off, just gotta pay insurance on it.

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