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Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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This is the second company that has turned me down for school and has given me no reason. If you read Bewildered (previous post) you will see why I am both discouraged and confused. Been ace-ing my practice tests too.
Maybe it's just the good Lords' way of keeping me safe, I don't know.
Applied both to Roehl and to Knight.
Guess I'll have to work in another profession. I'm not going back to nursing!
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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For the past 24 years I have been in nurse in various settings. About 2 weeks ago, I gave it up to apply to Truck Driving School with a major company. The first recruiter didn't listen to a word I said, nor did she respond to any of my inquiries, so I contacted the company and asked for a new recruiter. She emailed me the application but my system at the time, wouldn't open it. So she sent it again in a different format so I could print it off. I filled it out and faxed it back to her.
I followed up with a phone call to make sure it actually came to her, which it did.
The ap was filled out completely and honestly. I have a clean record both in drug testing and driving. No criminal background and am a military veteran, honorably discharged. I did my job well.
The past 3 years of employment included a couple of moves due to divorce, so there were about 2 years of unemployment as I lived out of state and hadn't yet gotten the out of state nursing license to practice. At the time, my nursing career was beginning to burn me out so I really wasn't sure that I would continue. When I finally did, my life fell apart and I came home to the mid-west to heal and to find work.
But after this recent year of nursing, I have had enough.
My brother has been an over the road trucker for decades. He loved it and encouraged me to go for it. I always wanted to.
My quandary is that when I followed up on my application, "Kim" decided that I wasn't a good fit and I could re-apply in 6 months. Why on earth would I want to do that if I am not a good fit to begin with?
Sign me, very disappointed. Been studying for my permit........should I continue to do so?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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It can be very trying when one is attempting to do something when everything is on the line.
I would like to caution you not to offer medication of any kind to your spouse or anyone else.
Drug test aside, there is danger of allergic reaction or the possibility of the drug reacting in a different way if he is on other medications. It's also considered practicing medicine without a license.
Just a gentle reminder please. Hope it all goes well! :)
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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I am very new at this to be sure. My background is nursing as oppose to Truck Driving, but I also have a background in Education. Suffice to say that it is easier to grasp a concept when the stress level is somewhat diminished, particularly when one is trying to learn. It's fine to get in the student' s face once they actually grasped a concept, but to make them feel unworthy while a student, is just plain stupid. Doesn't the trainer realize that he is laying the foundation of not only his student, but is a representative of the company for whom he works?
A student has to feel that they can ask a question and get an intelligent answer without being bullied.
Don't misunderstand me please. I spent 9 years in the military and had some real jerks for Drill Sergeants. I was 17 years old. I survived Basic. But the bullying came later. By then I could handle it. Just a thought, that's all.
Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you, Mallory. I can't afford to go to school on my own just yet. Right now I am unemployed so I can't pay for it up front like they would wish. Happy trucking though.