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Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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High road training program question
Hi I am sorry I know I asked a similar question a few months back but I had some things hold up my schooling and now looks like I will finally be able to go within 5 or so weeks! So I am going to go get my permit within the next 2 weeks. Anyways I am using the high road training program to study and I was wondering exactly what sections I need to just pass the permit test and get the air brake endorsement. I would like to skip whatever I don't need to take the test till I pass it then go over them so I don't overload myself. Like I skipped the logbook section but I have full intention of going over it after I pass my test. I thought it was 118 pages but noticed the cargo Securement section was just added? Anyways if I can have a list of what sections I need to study just to pass the test so I don't overload myself then go back and do the other things that will help me once I am on the road. Would be much apreciated thank you very much!
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Question on the high road training program
Awesome thank you Daniel! The program is really helping me and I appreciate all the hard work put in to make it available to us!
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Question on the high road training program
I am using the High Road Training Program. Which is very helpful and easy to use btw! I have a stupid question. I am on page 60 so far and I have finished doubles/triples and just started the tanker. I am wondering do I need to study these sections to pass the cdl written exam or are these sections to get the added endorsments? Or is that even more information somewhere else? If I don't need to study certain sections to just pass the regular cdl exam what sections should I skip right now? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I don't need all my endorsments right now so the less I have to study the better chance I will have to pass the regular exam lol
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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I'd like to hear what life on the road is really like with your dog.....large dog?
No problem I plan on taking my german sheperd with me once I get all my medical clearances taken care of and am solo in a truck.
That sounds great! Please let me know what it's like and how it works out in the truck. I really miss having my girl by my side. Also, I watched Trucker Josh on You Tube besides being quite the 'clown' he makes life with the dogs look easy and very fun as I imagined it could be on the road.....don't know how it will be once that German Shepherd pup is full grown though.....his cab is awfully small!
+1 for watching the Trucker Josh w/Diesel Weasel & Sargent videos. He is pretty much your happy go lucky Tim Hortons loving Canadian dude. I think he pretty much lives the Trucking Truth lifestyle... Has a great attitude, Loves Life, his Dogs, Family and Career.
Yeah trucker Josh is awesome. Love watching his vlogs he is always so positive we all can learn something from him I think. His and Allies vlogs are what originally got me interested in trucking actually and got me to look more into it.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Not sure what to do. I want to get into trucking, but am not sure on the best way to do so.
What problems with medications? I was under the understanding that as long as you have a prescription and a doctor signs that it doesn't effect your driving and isn't under the dot list that you are ok? I am currently taking humira and strattera I hope that neither will be a problem but as far as my understanding it shouldn't be at all as I have a prescription and it isn't under the dot no no list.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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That's terrible. I agree with dash cam ones. Actually would save drivers money cause it's something they we all should have to protect ourselves. But in cab cameras? That is just terrible and an invasion of privacy. These are truckers homes.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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I have no apu on my truck and we never seems to have an issue with keeping cool. Optimized Idle is a good thing. The idling temperatures are 25 and below and 70 and above. In between you should not need AC and if your cold you can turn on the bunker heater which is more than enough to keep you plenty warm.
Sorry I am bringing up an old thread but saw this and was wondering. Is the 70 and above in truck temperature or outside temperature ? Cause that could be a 10-15 degree difference.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Has anyone tried the wireless internet in there truck? I am looking into it monthy doesn't seem bad but the initial cost of a new satalite seems to be about $1200
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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That's not good. How much did it cost?
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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High road training program question
You are awesome thank you very much!