Akron, OH
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Just a guy who wants a fresh start doing something different. I've always been intrigued by the trucking lifestyle but shied away from it when I had the chance due to a child being on the way and married but now the wife came out and basically insisted on me doing this! Goodbye tech support job and hello studying and getting through Prime orientation!
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Finally finished the last major thing on my to do list list before heading out on on the Grey Dog this Saturday night which is get my CDL permit! I found a ton of info on this site that helped me decide that going out on the road was going to not only be a decision that I can live with but even enjoy. The High Road training program helped out a ton as well taking me from somebody who knew literally nothing about truck driving to somebody who can answer some questions on a multiple choice test! (probably downplaying what I've learned but I always value practical experience over academic knowledge).
Other than the good stuff and thank yous any advice on what I can expect at Primes orientation or advice really before I head out? I imagine I'll be learning a ton while I'm there but know what day to expect certain things would be pretty awesome so I can mentally map out the week and go in ready to handle what needs handled!
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you all for the feedback, I'll start throwing out some of those prehires and hopefully something sticks.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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I was going to go to CDL school starting the end of May at a local community college and was definitely excited with the research I've done on this site and others. My driving record had been 100% spotless in the last 5 years up until today. My breaks gave out and I got in a very minor fender bender(barely even a scuff on either vehicle). The good news it that I was note cited, however I was still involved in an at fault accident today.
From what I've read on the net is that I'm pretty much screwed if in one of those for a year. So my question to you all is, is there any chance for me at this point? Is it worth it to continue with these classes I have signed up for?
In any case I'm feeling pretty down about this whole thing and any feedback at all would be awesome.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Looking to going to Prime trucking.
My experience with Prime's training program was a positive experience. I came into Springfield the first week and showed up and did all the things that were required to get on the road. During PSD phase it was all on the job practical experience on the road doing real work where I had to get to 70+ hours worth of driving time which we were able to do in about 2 1/2 weeks. We then came back to Springfield to learn the finer points of backing and hammer down on everything that would be covered on the CDL exam for about 2 days. From there the TnT phase amounts to team driving where my trainer progressively became less hands on over the course of 30,000 miles as his trust grew in what I could do. After about 7 weeks of team driving I'm back in Springfield doing my upgrade and getting my own truck.
I chose Prime because I learn best by doing and they seemed to be the best for doing that. As far as the 1 year commitment goes I'm not worried at all as I get along well with my dispatcher and everything I've seen up to this point I like.