Georgetown, TX
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Considering A Career
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Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
It's been over a month and I have been away for a while. I passed my road test with the Texas DPS last month and obtained mt CDL. YEAH! Want to thank everyone for their encouragement and help. Had to take care of some personal issues but I am scheduled to start with Schneider in Dallas on October 24th. I can't wait. Passed all my background and pre-hire with them and I am ready.
I will keep everyone informed.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
Our class went to the Austin Tx DPS office to this past Tuesday to begin our pre-trip, backing maneuvers and road test so we can obtain our CDL. There were 14 students in the class and 3 trucks. When we arrived there were 3 examiners plus other people with vehicles to obtain their CDL's. The examiners started in alphabetical order by last name and with my last name starting with S, I did not get called until Thursday mid-morning. I got through my pre-trip and air brake test with no problem. I did my three backing test with out any problems but then the examiners called it a day at 3:00 pm. All I had left was my road test. On Friday morning there were six students, including me, left to finish. Two still had to do pre-trips, 2 had to do backing and road test, and myself and another student had to only do the road test. We had two trucks from the school and the examiners started at 8:00 am with the 2 classmates that needed to start at the beginning with pre-trip. By the time my road test was going to take place it was going to be after lunch and guess what. Here comes the rains!
Now myself and the other five students have to wait until next week until Harvey passes and the rains stop so we can finish.
I'm not complaining. I know I can do the road test. I listened to the classmates that drove before me and picked up the pointers that they were giving out. What to watch out for, the questions the examiner will ask while your driving, etc.
I will be ready to go next week and get this over with.
I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
It's the weekend and Monday is the last day of class. On Tuesday the class goes to the Texas DPS to do our pre-trip, air brake, backing maneuvers and road test. I'll be studying this weekend. This website has helped me immensely. I'm going to study the pre-trip inspections on this site and look over the DPS book that we need to know.
I want to thank everyone for their assistance and words of encouragement. I'll let everyone know next week how I did.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
Six more days of school and then it's testing day at the Texas DPS for my CDL. Pre-trip is first, then air brake test, then comes the three backing test then the road test. The next six days in school I'll study hard and work on my backing skills. I'm doing great at them but I'll keep practicing them. Are class has been driving in the towns and out on the highways around the school and I have been graded in the high 90's. Pssing the backing tests at school.
That's all for now.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
School is going really great. Out on the road half a day and on the driving range for half a day. Getting better at shifting thanks to G-Town's advice. Thanks! Getting the hang of backing. Nailed the parallel parking the first time I tried it. No problems with the straight backing and the off set backing. Eight more days till test time with the Texas DPS.
Just more practice, practice, and practice.
That's all for now.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
Second day out on the road. Having a tough time double clutching. Especially on down shifting. It's tough. Didn't do to bad on the off set backing. Got it the first time. Have to keep practicing on the shifting.
Thank for everyone's advice. All I can take will help.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
Day 4 of skills out on the practice range. Been straight for 3 days and went out on the road for a test drive yesterday morning. Did really good at straight backing and learning how to double clutch on downshifting. Today there will be 6 of us moving over to off set backing and more rode driving.
That's all for now.
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
I did it! Passed my written tests. All I had to take was General Knowledge and Air Brakes. Did not have to take Doubles or Texas Law due to already a Class A. Have the weekend to rest the on Monday it's 4 weeks of pre-trips, practice backing, driving then the big test.
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Started Truck Driver Training School Today!
Today was the last day of class room. Tomorrow is test day for my CDL learner's permit. Going to study most of the night.
Wish me luck!
Will let everyone know how I did.
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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Patience at the pumps
The Pilot outside of Tyler, TX is really bad!!! I pulled in there and their pump lanes are narrow. I stepped out to fuel and had to step on the fuel island. I slipped and fell between my truck and the fuel island. I fell on my left side and broke five ribs. I was in the hospital for five days. Schneider and the insurance company took care of me and they “took care of Pilot” if you know what I mean.