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Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Advice for being with a male trainer on the road?

Hi I'm a female and had a male trainer , I didn't have any problems with him he was very respectful. So yes you can have a male trainer and be ok . Communication is very important , I actually had fun while I was training , then a female came available. And I got transferred to her . To be honest I enjoyed having a male trainer better than a female trainer . ( it was her time of the month when I got on the truck with her) so it was very interesting my last 2 weeks of training . Most male trainers are very respectful to us females when training us , there are a few jerks out there , like any company You have good ones and bad ones , just check there past training history before deciding to go with then. And ask around to other drivers , females preferred. They will tell you who to stay away from ect.... Hope this helps

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Transgender Women In Trucking (Please don't laugh...not a joke)

Hi Isabel, Welcome to the world of trucking. As a fellow female driver , it can be tough out there , and don't carry mase it's against the law , Carry a water gun filled with amonia works better then anything and not illegal yet . As for safety as with any other job a female works at , just pay attention to your surroundings at all time , you do have stupid people out there . I've been driving since 2005 and have learned for a woman. When guys start harassing you stand your ground with them !!! No means no. If they persist find out what company and get their truck number ( not the trailer number) then call it in . In general most of the other drivers are very respectful, you always have some bad apples in the bunch , don't let them get to you though. Try not to put yourself in a siuation you can't get out of safely. And stay away from dark places like the other person posted . A good rule to follow is. Whenever in doubt don't do it . There's also a female forum on here so if you have any other question especially pertaining to female drivers it's a good place to check out to . I hope this helps some . Welcome to the trucking industries,

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Female forced to train in sleeper with male?

Hi, As a fellow female truck driver I've been driving since 2005. When I first started I started with Werner, at the time they didn't have hardly any female trainers , and my first trainer was a male , and older male , he was great as long as you establish boundaries with him.( I didn't have any problems with him he was great and I had fun training ) Or ask him sign a contract on it and make the company supervisor and your terminal manager sign it that way it's in writing and can hold all of them accountable for it . Then you don't have any problems . That's 1 option Options 2 is like the guy said up above ask for an experience male trainer with past history of no problems and make sure it's more than 10 females he has trained . The other option is find another company to drive for because if your to demanding they will let you go ... I understand about the female trainer , and like me I trained with a male trainer till a female became available then I switch trainers ... (most female trainers are a lot more stricter then the males are ) ( and some female trainers are just as crabby as the men are ) . Best male trainers I've found are the married ones with kids . And are older and experienced . Stay away from the young ones , you'll have some issues there . And most of all. Most important thing is. " have a positive attitude". There are good and bad trainers out there. Both male and females!!! And again like the guy said up above " IF IT'S NOT IN WRITING, IT DIDNT HAPPEN" !! And always get copies of everything !!!! They also have truck driving company's out there that hire Only females , might want to do some research . Look on here there's a female driver forum . Hope this helps . It's tough out there for females sometimes .

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