Profile For William

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Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Schneider Teams- Only $800-900 weekly

Got any good stories about your partners?

One guy only made it 24 hrs after seeing my shipment miles and pay tracker. He quit and went back home. Another guy had several kids and was away from home for 3 weeks at a time for only 700-900 weekly gross.

Another guy should have never been hired and should not have passed the physical and screening.

I had little experience and attended a crappy CDL school in NY which did not prepare me for real world. I need much more experience but get better every week.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Schneider Teams- Only $800-900 weekly

Ya know William, I'm not real impressed with your rants. You seem to think you know way more about moving freight than one of the largest players in the game, you've lost five driving partners in less than six months, you claim chneider "promised" you six thousand miles a week, you can't seem to keep your wheels turning in a way that's profitable, and it's somehow all Schneider's fault.

I realize a lot of these trucks don't have a mirror inside them but you seriously need to stop and take a long contemplative look in one sometime. You just might find the reason for most of the problems you've carried on about.

So five of us left the company due to broken promises from their ads and recruiters and it is all my fault? Who are you Don Schneider? I am a new imperfect driver but I know it makes no sense to keep two motivated drivers and a truck sitting not running 5-6,000 miles a week when the driver proved they can run 550 to 600 a day each. I don't know why you took this personally but I agree that I am not perfect and still have lots to learn.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Schneider Teams- Only $800-900 weekly

5 different partners in 6 months and Schneider's the problem?? I believe that statement says all we need to know.......

They left the company too! They had the same issues with broken promises, long waits and below average team pay. I was a new driver and was not perfect by any means but I busted ass to run 550 to 600 miles a day when on loads, kept to my ETA's when feasible and always communicated our status so there were no surprises.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Schneider Teams- Only $800-900 weekly

[Note from Brett Aquila: Normally we don't allow this kind of stuff in the forum but this time I'm going to leave the complaint so we can dissect it and try to figure out what went wrong here...]

I worked for Schneider teaming for short of six months. I had 5 different partners and 4 of them including me are no longer with the company. I had only two weeks that I earned over $1,000 gross and both of them were solo when I was between partners. I shared a spreadsheet I kept with two different DBL's and their managers to professionally explain I was not getting the promised miles of 6,000 a week. I actually have never gotten over 5,000 in any week. To average 6,000 you must have a week over 6,000. The managers avoided any commitment or apology and blamed it on chance. Not only did we not get the pay or miles promised we would regularly get stuck sitting between loads for hours 5-10 at a time. This is not productive for the company nor its teams since then both the trucks and the drivers are not producing income. There freight management system and interaction between the planners and DBL's is very flawed. They have huge turnover, supposedly turn away tons of freight daily but can't keep their drivers moving. On three occasions I have been at drop yards and OC's where there were over a half dozen drivers waiting multiple hours on loads. A good system would keep them moving, have the loads preassigned and wouldn't bunch up drivers where there is no business.

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