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Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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What do u need to know i wrote a blog that you can look up on my experience going thru phase 2 with a trainer i was on the road with him for 13 days.. afterwards i took a road test and two days later i was assigned a 2015 international
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Hey todd nice meeting you today good luck to you...2 days down 6 to go for me :)
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Roehl trainee starting 7/6/2015
I really do like roehl gary p I wish I could of did my whole schooling here...good luck to you
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Roehl trainee starting 7/6/2015
Very tired today I need to get to bed earlier...breakfast today was different from yesterday i had banana waffle cheese omelet and sausage patty...we waited fir shuttle and off to school we went....we started off filling out our log books today and watched a few roehl safety videos...after we went to lunch we went outside and was divided into 2 groups 3 for us and 2 for the other truck and instructor went over pretrip and in cab inspection....he then started up the truck and we went out on the road..he drove around for a bit until we made it to gas station and took a break...we got back in the truck and went back to the yard showing how to smoothly shift and downshift I'm thinking I can't wait to start driving...we get back to the yard and was told ok let's switch seats..so one of my classmate grabbed the wheel and we were told to drive up to 7th gear and make turns in 5th gear so gotta downshift....now I'm nervous....my classmate made it look so easy..after he was done it was my turn...uggghhhhh I felt sooooooooo new I haven't seen a wheel since 1st week of june....I started getting somewhat comfortable then came time to downshift newer truck so don't have to rev so high he calls it burping...it was hit or miss today lol..but I started getting the dance of down shifting...cant wait until tomorrow...we were reminded when in truck must bring log book..I've never uncoupled so i volunteered..I dropped landing gear and was told leave one inch clearance to give platform to move away from kingpin in the right angle...I then unhooked the pressure lines and electrical lines got in the truck and pulled off but was told I went too fast..don't want to drop trailer that fast...exciting day...went to Dennys got our food now about to go to bed at 6:00 lol hope to do better tomorrow...instructors say we should have our drug test results by late morning tomorrow and that they not waiting for hair test which sucks since they scalped my head smh and should be able to go on the road after lunch.. excitING day today :)
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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My Progress Becoming A Truck Driver
Wow why was she mad....good luck to you
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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I so recommend roehl check out the reviews I just started monday and I'm done next monday and will go on the road for up to 13 days before I get my own truck...I will be working Midwest region wisconsin illinois indiana ohio and michigan...all about safety and family I will work 5 days and have 34 to 48 hours off a week they have other routes depending on what's best for you....
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Roehl trainee starting 7/6/2015
As I get ready to go to bed I realize I'm so out of shape my back and knees and thighs is killing me just from the test functions we did today def will get into a gym
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Took hair test today first day here and since I have short hair she scalped my hair...I'm so mad..but it's hair it'll grow back...I have my cdl already so we in 8 day classroom training then we will get on road for up to 13 days...mayb u can check out my diary too :)
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Chicago area help with schools!
Roehl and prime are good schools... prime pays you 700 a week during training.. roehl puts u in a nice hotel and gives u 3 meals a day. you are actually hired in when you touch down for training for roehl.... u just have to finish the course