Banks, AL
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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I ask cause I'm considering moving over to them and possibly doing a lease, I like that they offer. $1 buy out for their lease and that its also a walk away lease, so if you decide you don't like it or whatever you can just turn in the keys with no damage to your credit, but I was trying to get some opinions from people who drive for them
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Is there anyone that drives or leases with this company if so I'd like to pick your brains considering swapping over
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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i'm not bad mouthing swift, but i just wanted to point out that imformation in the review isn't correct one thing is saying that they aren't forced dispatch and my recruiter told me that dispatch is forced as well as the instructors at the school, i have one more week to go before orentation, and and they say they have regional comfort zones but it's based on where you live and mine would be east coast anything east of the Mississippi river, not south east or north east just east, and new york would be forced dispatch, the only reason i went with swift is they do dedicated runs for walmart DCs and there is a DC just down the road from me, but have to be with them 6 months to do that, even though i've talked to guys that have gotten on dedicated runs sooner, i don't know if it's a good company or bad but i will say they over book the CDL classes my class started with 46 people but by 2 weeks it was down to 28 and the sent all of us home casue they were short on instructrs, becasue people in the class ahead didn't pass the test and had to stay an extra week sense they start classes every week there is a minimum of 60 people on the rage and only 3 insructors. so don't go there expecting to get much one on one training, they demonstrate it once and leave you to figure it out.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Security Guard VS HoS
I've heard meantion a few time in this post about the so called safe haven rules and from what I've read in the fmcsa that only applies to hazmat loads, and I can't seem to make sense of what the legal stand point is on personal conveyance, sense most officers will tell you that if you're using it to avoid a violation for driver after you 11, 14, or 70 expires, that they won't recognize the personal conveyance and will ticket you for the violation anyway, at the end of the day it's up to the officer and how they choose to interpret all those confusing laws and regulations we have to follow