Imperial, CA
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Zoloft and other mental health meds
Yeah funny thing is on Zoloft i might still be annoyed and a bit frustrated but doesn't really let me ever get angry. Without it I would of thru a fit but then again I would not be in this spot to start with lol.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Zoloft and other mental health meds
So I got sent home after day one of school cause of the DOT physical. I take Zoloft for social anxiety. I can pass but only if i get my doctor to say yes i am fine under my medication to drive. Unable to reach him and get him to fax over everything plus I use the VA so going in monday getting the clearance then back to school. Just wanted to let others know IF you take any anti depressants, anxiety med, etc. get a letter from your doctor or shrink ahead of time.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Zoloft and other mental health meds
Yes i told them when i filled out the list of medication i was on as well as supplements. I didnt want to come back and bite me later. Then they asked why. They want to make sure my doctor can vouch that i am mentally stable enough and not turn my truck into a weapon. Makes sense after you think about it. They dont know me or the state of my condition. 1 week and half delay then back. Unless my doc thinks i am crazier then he leds me to be lol