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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 9 years ago
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And yes they starve me out that would also be great. Would prove even more how terrible this industry can be to people. Like I said series of events out of my control. Just because I want to be home for a few days after 2 months of driving. That sounds estatic!
Posted: 9 years ago
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Hudson you also think your getting treated like a lease operator but in fact your not. Each truck and trailer represents certain amount of revenue to a company. As time goes by the revenue decreases on them. Each company knows when the costs of the equipment repair reaches a certain level they get rid of it. The same goes for drivers, you represent a certain amount of revenue to the company. When you don't achieve their expectations guess what happens.
When all three are combined it's real easy to squeeze a driver out the door. They don't have to fire you they just have to slow you down. Before long they know your going to leave. Does that ring a bell?
That sounds wonderful and all but am I suppose to be responsible for major mechanical issues on a tractor or apu? I'm not taking responsibility for something that should have been fixed before I got in the truck. I really don't see how that's my issue. And if they let me go more power to them.
I understand I'm not profitable for the company at this point just like I understand it's not profitable for me. I'm more than happy to go. Never collected unemployment in my life it may be the thing that helps me recover from this mess that is trucking.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I mentioned the accident and there were two other company drivers who had the exact same situation happen down the road. Either I was going to wreck into them or I was going to stop where I was at. 15mph and the trailer jacknifes from the ice sounds alot better than crashing into five trucks at the bottom of the hill.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm curious why so many of you that are long term members are so he'll bent on telling people how great it is or how great it is not but it is for you.
The truth is the failure rate out here is astronomical.
I'm a company driver and my dispatcher is trying to enact rules on me like I'm a lease driver. Haven't been home in 2 months and he doesn't want to send me home because truck just got out of the shop and according to him is in the hole....
Well my paper license expires soon so either he sends me home or DOT does when they see that. One of a million little things that are not suppose to happen but do. I'm suppose to be home for 4 days a month. It's been two months. Do I get 8 days off? Nope. Not even close. I try to give them a little room (sic) and they lash at me like I'm a lease operator. Funny how that works...
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm not sure about making over 1k a week. I've been at this for over six months and I'm averaging about 600-700 a week. It's not because I'm not willing to drive or pit the work in. It just hasn't been offered to me. Between training and truck problems that's all there is to it. If I worked these kind of hours back home I'd be healthier, happier and richer. But oh well, I didn't drink the kool aI'd and it's not working for me. I'll be trying a local gig if it ever happens.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Oh I'm aware it is probably a great career choice for many people. Not myself.
The company never did me wrong it was just a unfortunate series of events. But I do believe every sign the universe is showing me that it isn't for me. Every turn has been bad for me. Just plain Murphys law
It may be good in the future just not right now.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I did my research. It's just I was an oddity and it didn't work out for me.
The failure rateand turnover rate out here is tremendous. It's astronomical. They lose more drivers than they gain. Every company.
Posted: 9 years ago
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The ironic thing is I saw all this. I knew what I was dealing with before I got into this. But I am a doer and I don't fail, I can't fail and because of my military experience I'm trained to never give up. Never give ground always push forward.
But facts don't lie. Overturn in this industry is over 100%. And now I know why. It isn't worth it, and unless they pay better or offer better conistency it will never be worth it. Unless you are from an area with a depressed economy and don't have many options this is a horrible career choice. At least the OTR part is. At least for me. It might work for others, but as the statistics show it doesn't work for many. Maybe 1 out of 100 are happy?
Posted: 9 years ago
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Looking for advice from real truckers
Working two jobs back home would be more stable.. Even if they paid minimum wage it would be more stable. The pay out here I really inconsistent.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm quitting trucking
I have taken accountable the consequences of my actions and realize that yes I could have prevented the accident. But I also realize it's different outcomes for different people.
I appolagize because it sounds like a huge complaint. I'd like to put it as just a different perspective. This job doesn't work out for everyone. I'm going to see it through as far as I can as was my initial intention. I'm going to fulfill my obligation. After that we'll time will tell but I don't think I'd be in it for the long haul as OTR. Maybe something more in kin to what I need in my life.
Yes I showed up and watched your student back for a minute. I didn't want to take time from him for the time he had practicing was limited. Hindsight is 20/20 though. I just wish circumstances were different. I don't fail, I never have. The army instills in people to always move forward. But it's been heavy.