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Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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What do you all think about it?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Nick, welcome to the forum!
I started trucking as a second career at the age of 53. The week I got hired there was another fellow there who got hired at the age of 73! Since then I have met three different drivers out here on the road in their eighties. Trucking will always be here, you can get started when ever you are ready.
Your question about stress intrigues me because what stresses one man out completely may not bother another man so badly. Some will say that the stress level is high out here, while others will tell you that it's not so bad. I've seen trucking described as hours of pure pleasure interrupted by moments of sheer terror. It can be stressful at times, but if you are the type of person who enjoys being challenged then you will be able to handle the problems associated with the job.
Hey, we're glad you are here, and hope you will feel free to participate in the discussions in the forum.
And finally, we sincerely thank you for your service to our nation!
Thank you Old School, I wasn't sure if there was an age criteria and that makes a lot of sense about the stress levels. One thing that seems stressful is getting the load to where it's suppose to be on time and driving the truck around in heavy traffic. I think if I could go slow and steady then I would be comfortable but if I had to drive hard against the clock to be somewhere then that's where I could see myself stressing.
I expect there to be stress involved but if it's all the time I don't think I would do good with that. I've driven cross country a few times in U hauls and my own car once and the best times were between cities. One of my favorite parts of the country is New Mexico to California in the desert. I always enjoyed that part the most.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Hello TT, my name is Nick I joined today and I am here because I am interested in trucking. I am surprised by all the new drivers and drivers to be that are here and all the information the veteran drivers share and offer to the new drivers.
I'd like to start off with my driving exp and then follow up with some questions. My primary MOS in the Army was 77F10 (petroleum supply) but it was actually two MOS's in one. The 77F was the petro supply part and the 10 was the truck driving school. I went to truck training at Ft. Leonard Wood. MO. . There we spent a lot of time in the classroom and also got to drive a variety of Army vehicles from a Chevy Blazer up to a tractor trailer!. I only got to drive the tractor trailer once at the school before going to my regular duty station. Once there I drove the hummers all over the place but also was the only one in my platoon that was qualified to drive the 5 ton. I drove it a lot. After awhile it wasn't as intimidating and I started liking to drive it. So in a nutshell that's my big truck exp. Hope I didn't bore you.
Questions, I have a lot but I'll start with these two.
I will be 49 this year and don't want to leave my current job because of the time I have invested so how old is too old to consider driving?
The other question is what's the stress level of an operator?
thanks for reading my post.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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The new Wal Mart truck
Sorry link doesn't work. It's crazy looking Wal Mart truck