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Posted:  4 days, 4 hours ago

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Purposely Downgraded CDL-A to Class C

As someone who reads the site daily and rarely posts this comes across as someone who is very angry and dealing with the effects of long term drug use.

I was there 15 years ago and I can tell you I recognize myself in your behavior sir.

Your on the right path doing SAP and trying to get clean but you were not there when this happened because you were aware of the consequences when you stated "clears from your system in 3-4 days".

Reminds me of the saying "One is too many and a 1000 is never enough"

"“friend ratted me" - As someone who got clean we learn that we made the choice and it was our doing not someone else. You need to let that go and take responsibility.

And if it's one thing that is consistent from listening to these professionals here over the years is drugs and trucking don't go together and I'm from Canada and even we can't smoke what's considered legal up here if you have a AZ.

Your questions was: "I could possibly have them do a RTD test I won’t have to start the whole process over" What do you have to lose? Have you asked them?

Your lucky to have a job so be happy stay clean and relax life gets better and you'll look back on this one day and hopefully see how immature your acting.

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Now they're talking about "smart" trailers

Why do you all get so upset and defensive about any new technology?

The world is changing get on board or get left behind. And I just find instead of having and open discussion it gets so defensive all the time now.

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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CDL Class A / Class B Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana card in the state of New York to treat my anxiety

Gotta love that excuse - Anxiety.

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Ladies as drivers?

Why do you feel your husband needs to allow you to drive? The year is 2019 and if my wife told me we will revisit the issue in a year I'm doing it now!

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Any tech gurus wanna take a shot at my phone/app problem?

1)Settings > Apps/App Manager. Select the App that you are having issues with. Tap on Clear Data and Clear Cache. Restart your phone.

2) Open your device's Settings app Settings app. Tap Apps & notifications. Tap the app. If you don't see it, first tap See all apps or App info. Tap Storage and then Clear storage or Clear data and then OK.

3) Boot into safe mode and remove the app, restart as normal and clear cache. Reinstall the app.

Good luck

And as for servers crashing that's IIS garbage not a Linux raw bone custom build problem. If all you know is web servers full install package please don't talk about serve stability and up time because mission critical servers are not a standard full install with 75% of the build being junk. You build out mission critical servers using custom modules and your own custom handlers all tied into the build. I would even choose glass fish over IIS and the RMI capabilities of Java on a distributed server architecture with load balancing is a thing of beauty?

It's not like you have one server in location A doing everything and if it crashes your dead this is not the year 2000.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Ticket in Canada

I think you had the numbers wrong or did the math wrong or were really speeding in the low speed zone.

60 = 100 km 45 = 72 ( we have 80 not 72) 30 = 48 (we have 50 or 40)

Up here because it's KM no one goes the exact limit except you USA drivers, if it says 80 KM/h you can go 100 KM/h no ticket. Now in the 60 or 40 zones you can only go 5KM over or a ticket.

KM and Miles are very different.

Now if you were going 49 or 78KM/h in 30 or 50KM/H zone your done that's 30 KM/h over. 10 over 20 over no one cares anything over 20 KM/h over your a target.

Best advice is use this: they will get it dropper this is Canada after all don't worry.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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New boot device being deployed to threaten Walmart overnighters

I've never understood the logic behind immobilizing a vehicle you want to move!

Your not thinking big picture. If it hits enough wallets people take notice. Signs obviously didn't do the job so they moved to the thing people feel the most which is that hit to the wallet.

Do you think a driver who got hit with 500 will ever park there again? How about anyone who saw this, would you park there knowing it could cost you 500?

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Cannabis Testing, Swift, NYC Ban on Cannabis Testing

Weed is legal in Canada but you still can't get smoke if you drive a commercial vehicle.

Pretty easy to understand you can buy it you can have it delivered right to your door and you can even grow it but no you cannot smoke if your a professional driver. And the USA is way more strict with its laws so if Canada says no then good luck with the USA saying yes.

Someone tried playing that discrimination / human right violation %##$ card and it got tossed out up here.

So legal yes but not if you drive.

Posted:  6 years ago

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Stupid idea?


Posted:  7 years ago

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Uber Autonomous car kills pedestrian.

I guess I take issue with every time this topic comes up it's a case of jump on the bashing bandwagon because your so afraid of technology and something stealing your job.

Technology doubles every year things are moving faster and faster. Servers don't crash like they used to this isn't the windows 95 days anymore. And redundancy is built into mission critical systems three levels deep.

Your argument about looking at people's windows and eyes are great you have two visual sensors how many can a computer have? Far more.

The technology is evolving it's not ready yet but that doesn't mean it won't be. And arguments like they said this 20 years ago but it never happened. Guys it's 2018 the technology is not even close to what you had back in the 90's.

Do you think they would be testing on roads if it wasn't close? You think a company could just send out an automated vehicle and think hey will fix what we find and to hell with everyone else on the road?

Look at cars all the new sensors smart cruise control lane departure warning, emergency braking these are all little pieces of the big picture and yes boys when it's ready machines will rule the roads and humans will be a fall back that as time goes on will be needed less and less.

Now go ahead and put your heads in the sand turn on your VCR's and keep searching for blockbuster.

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