Wytheville, VA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Not a Colonel (pronounced kur-nl) :D but old enough to be one - I took the NCO route - US Army. Former SATCOM guy, Engineer field equip. warehouse guy, Dominos Pizza franchisee guy, overnight do whatever is needed retail guy, and currently awaiting CDL school start at Wytheville Comm. College guy. Class starts 6/29/2015, ends 8/7/2015. Permit in hand with combo. vehicles, air brakes, tanker, double/triples endorsements - should have HAZMAT endorsement before class starts. Oh yeah, and divorced and bankrupt guy! Those two I got at the same time - go figure.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Now... When I go over a pass and there is a drop off on one side and a wall on the other I freak out or get really stressed (sometimes I can manage it depending on how bad it is). And it's not just drop offs, this happens with heights in general. I've yet to get my CDL or start school for it, and I don't know if I should considering this problem. Especially considering how much it cost to get one.
Is this something that Truck drivers deal with on a regular basis or can you get routes where you don't have to deal with it?
"Like one that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round walks on
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.
...a passage from 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'
Colloquially, we'd say that's whistling past the graveyard! Usually if we don't turn and face those boogeymen on our own terms, they end up mugging us from behind. Take that bull by the horns whether you take the trucker route or not! And good luck to you in tackling it.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!
I've been a commercial driver for just over ten years now and I'm 'refreshing' my training to transfer to a new Company. First I want to thank you for all the work you've done, love the pictures indicating the locations, etc. I was wondering though, there is no mention of the tire valve stems and caps, not leaking, rubbing, caps on, etc. Isn't that still a requirement in the pre-trip anymore?
I have my class B (school bus driver) in WA state and was wondering the same about:
tire valve stems and caps as well since we were required to include them??
Also: Leaf springs: we were required to include not: - Missing more than 1/4 - shifted - loose or - broken
Brake lining: in addition to what you've listed, must have at least 1/4" of material
Excellent flash cards here. I particularly like the PMS, CBB, ABC approach!
My friend and I are looking at team driving and right now, Prime is at the top of our list!
Yep, every state is slightly different. If you'll be going to Prime be sure to memorize this thread as this will be EXACTLY what you'll be tested on.
Is this just in Springfield Daniel?? I'll be in Pittston, PA. Do they have thier own or is this corporate wide?? Thanks in advance.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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...in a Prime LW governed at 62 mph. A perfect storm of dispatches and deliveries. Technically the 4473 is over eight and a half days, but I doubt I top this (in a Prime company truck anyway).
Last week was only 2300 but the week before was 3400. Loving these miles! I'm definitely looking forward to home time though, getting run a little ragged.
That's awesome Matt!! And I hope I'll be getting my crack at it soon - should be in Prime orientation Monday. Kepp rolling and stay safe.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Does Prime use Practical miles or Hub miles?
Col. O, may I ask what school you went to in VA? I'm also considering schooling and am looking at options. Thank you!
Sorry for the delay Steven, went to Wytheville Community College, 6 weeks long - much less expensive than the commercial schools. There is also a good chance of getting some financial aid. Good luck man!
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Does Prime use Practical miles or Hub miles?
They pay HHG unfortunately.
Good luck in school!
Thank you Daniel, school is over and passed - good grades even! DMV test should be easy, our instructor at school made sure the schools testing was far more difficult than the VA DMV test is. Looking forward to getting started with Prime in a c seat position - sorry to hear about the hhg miles but not thwarted by it at all. Be safe brother!
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Does Prime use Practical miles or Hub miles?
I was wondering if any of the Prime drivers could tell me if they pay Practical miles, Hub miles, or HHG - zip code to zip code? Thanks in advance for the info I hope to be in Pittston on 8/17 for orientation as a "C" seat driver. Just have to pass the upcoming DMV test.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Hi Daniel! I was wondering if that pre-trip for Prime is for ALL locations? I'm scheduled for the Pittston, PA terminal 8/17 and getting a 'leg up' is always a good way to go. I'll have a CDL when I arrive, should I start looking for that trainer now?
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Orientation with CCC Transportation (Comcar Industries)
I start school at Mid Florida Tech on the 29th. CT is on my list of companies to apply to.
Good luck with school! I initially thought about CT, but they don't have any terminals close by. CCC has a dry bulk terminal 20 miles from me and they also do a little flatbed. I'm probably going to get schooled up on that too and insure plenty of available runs (money). :)
Hey Diver! Congrats on your success to date, was wondering if you know anything about the MCT branch of CCC? They don't seem to hang out much in Fla. and do all CCC companies use auto trannies or are there still some straight sticks??
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Financial History Effects on future job prospect??
Welcome to the forum Col O, You are in luck my friend the all forgiving Truck Industry really doesn't care to much about your financial history. All though there may be a few companies that do, by and large most don't. The companies that may are the ones who only lease or make you O/O and have no company drivers. I don't fit in this category myself but do know quite a few drivers in your position who have become successful drivers. I drive for Prime and heard several drivers talk about their financial history and believe me if Prime was worried that would be down quite a few drivers. Now that being said once you do become a successful driver I would make sure you started repairing it for the future. It's amazing how a bad credit score can affect ones life! So go for it, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Thanks Brian M. that is comforting, it is what I generally thought having read much of TT discussions but I'm trying to tackle every possible contingency. Again, I'm much obliged!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Will be looking for new student soon
So schedule your orientation day for the beginning of September if you want a chance to learn from me. But please note, just because you are from TT does not mean that you will get special treatment or automatically selected.
All candidates will be interviewed and assessed the same and the best match for what I'm looking for will be selected for the best training Prime has to offer. It's not uncommon for a student to have to wait 1-3 weeks for an instructor so keep that in mind!
I'm sorry I won't be eligible Daniel, I'll be there in a couple of days and I'll be a "C" seat driver. I would have really enjoyed learning from you, perhaps we will see each other out there! Any advice for c seaters gettiing a trainer?? Is it the same process, different people?