Salem, OR
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Considering A Career
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 12 years ago
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Hello everyone. I'm not real big on the whole forum type web sites so I might not post very often.
I first started to consider truck driving a few months ago when visiting a friend. I have been looking for a job for a couple years now and have filled out countless applications but have never been hired. My friend, Randy, asked me how the job hunt was going and after he learned I hadn't made any progress, he asked me what I would like to do. The first thing out of my mouth was "to travel," and he suggested trucking. I've done a lot of research (I thank goodness for finding TruckingTruth) and have found that a truckers lifestyle is similar to my own. First off, my sleeping patterns are random. There are days when I will be awake all night and sleep all day and the next it will be the opposite. Secound, I don't eat like a normal person should. I once went six mounths eating nothing but fast food once a day. Third, I am not married, I'm single, and a bit of a loner(I don't like to talk very often). Finally, I once worked for a company called The Taylor Way, with my dad, where we had to drive all over the US in order to clean the overspray paint off vehicles. The best parts of that job were the driving to new places and seeing all the sights.
So, in short, trucking seems to be perfect for me and I will be asking a lot of questions as I head into this new career.
Posted: 11 years, 12 months ago
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Need areas...
Try adding a ranking system. There is another site that I frequent that has great forums. It's called Neoseeker and it's mostly focused on movies, books, and games. You should check it out.