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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Low tire pressure in cold weather?
Wouldn't your tires always be up to operating temperature when checked by a DOT official, unless they got you just leaving your parking spot?
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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DOT Physical - Official form regarding current prescriptions?
She said Wellbutrin is OK as long as my prescribing physician signs off on it.
Good deal man! That one you probably don't want to go without, whereas the appetite suppressant and you can get by without. Good luck!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Bankruptcy and getting into trucking
I had to file bankruptcy between my first driving job and the second company (I was in the process of filing while I was with the first company) and I got denied by only one of the companies out of the 20 or more I applied for so I think you'll be fine. Good luck!!!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Well..I just found out my "star head screw driving thingy" is a T25 torque driver...and after pulling the dash stuff out...its not a fuse. I did my "guy stuff" for the day lol.
Not only did I learn something new but I tried to save the company time and money. Oh well. Going back to sleep now.
Thanks youz guys
You get an "A" for effort!!! Yes sleep time 😪
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Good question! I tend to keep to myself mainly because I'm not in truck stops very often except to refuel. When I am though I don't mind some friendly socializing, especially if it's humorous lol! Most of my interaction with other drivers is at shippers and recievers.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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The shifting will come back with ease. The only thing I'd recommend is double clutching instead of floating (I'm assuming you used to float lol) to avoid any fumbles during your road test. Congrats on the new job!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Looks pretty cool! I'll have to check this out in my down time. Thanks for sharing!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Automatic trucks at CR England?
Definitely wait to learn the stick in a big truck! You don't want to learn any bad habits or have to unlearn things during CDL training. I'd much rather teach someone to drive a manual truck that has not driven a manual at all.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Looking to go with Roehl or TMC - Couple of questions about the hiring process.
It should be only a couple of days before you hear back with a yes or no from the recruiter after applying. As far as your actual first day that'll depend on how often the company has orientation (usually weekly), how long it takes them to get your travel arrangements setup, and the availability of trainers. The companies you're looking at should have plenty of trainers and the resources to quickly set your travel arrangements.
The speeding ticket might get you because it's more than 15 mph over which is reckless driving (could be different in the state where fined), but some insurance companies might put you in a higher risk category.
I agree with Brett, focusing on the long term is a wise decision. Also your first year or two will be filled (and I mean overflowing) with plenty of ups, downs, ins, and outs during that time you'll be processing a lot of info, learning as you go. You're potential companies are good, established, and reputable I don't think there's much to worry about there. I've learned that when you pull back and look at the big picture most big companies are compensating their drivers comparably. It's all a trade off for example, more money usually equals older equipment or no health insurance. In the end they all have the same bottom line they just get there differently.
Good luck man!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Help or advice
Each state has different testing procedures, laws, regs, and requirements. The written test is tricky because of the way the questions are worded. Some are straightforward and others are setup to make you really read and comprehend the question. Make sure you take your time and read each question several times then choose the "best" answer.
The PTI test portion is different from state to state. Some states you'll be expected to PT the entire truck others it's a blind draw and you'll get just a portion of the truck and trailer.
The air brakes aren't too bad, just make sure you have your routine down and don't forget the the acceptable psi loss per minute when doing the applied portion. I got ****y and mixed up the applied rate for straight trucks and combos lol.
Again the skills test is different from state to state, so focus on your state's requirements.
Think slow move slow and you'll be fine. Good luck!