Profile For Lee M.

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    9 years, 9 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Teams and APU'S?

I am new to this web site. As a matter of fact this is my first post ever. I hope this is the correct forum for this question, so here goes. Since there are some postings about team work. I am wondering if there are any companies that hire people to help an experienced driver that would need help or even would want help. This is my situation. I am not a driver. I am a man that basically retired to young from a line of work that does not pertain to driving, but have the utmost respect for all you guys and gals that drive out there in all those over crowded roads. God Bless all of you. I am looking for some driver that may need some assistance if He or She has to load or unload freight or simply just needs some basic help in anything. I do have some experience working in the shipping department for GM. I started working for GM at the age of 18, Working in the shipping department, I met and conversed with a lot of drivers & have to admit, seeing different parts of the country would be nice. After 12 years of working with GM, the plant closed, moved to Mexico. Needless to say I lost my job there and took on a complete different line of work. This was a state job in NC & after many years, that went under as well, do to state funding, but I do get income from both places, and will explain details if I get the chance to meet up with someone. I am not a bumb, I own my home, vehicles and have some etc. I just like and prefer to work. I am a hard worker and very easy to converse with. I would be willing to work for low pay. I am just not sure what is required of drivers these days. So if anyone who reads this post, if they know of any company or companies, that would hire someone like myself, would you let me know by a reply to this posting? It would be much appreciated. Sincerely, Lee M.

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