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Company Driver In Training
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Trying to delete my account, not sure how! I love Trucking Truth! Thanks for all the great advise Brett and others!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Regarding old post, follow up to-NEED ADVISE!!!!! Made to drive while sick and dangerous conditions.
Dear Brett Aquila,
I would like to thank all of you for your comments. I appreciate the feed back. I have read my post again and I guess I was pretty vague. I will try and clarify, but some things are still left to speculation, even for me. I am just trying to get some advise. I am not however going to say what company it is!
Regarding Illegal Drugs:
Trainer #2 wasn’t smoking illegal drugs in front of me. He was in sleeper berth and I smelled it. He stated it was cow smell, but cows don’t smell like that! I called Fleet Manager and he said to get off the truck, which I did and I was told that he was sent on a load after that. I dont know whether they ever tested him.
Verbally Abusive Trainers:
Trainer #2 Was verbally abusive when I was getting off the truck. Verbally abusive Trainer#3 Was heard by a friend that was on the phone with me calling me names, that was the only way I could do it, because recording someone without their knowledge I found out is illegal.
I was told, by a very reliable source that the company has a low trainer-student ratio. I am only assuming that is why. And in my verbal report to HR over the phone, was told that they did an internal investigation, but found “No fault” of either driver. I had told HR that I could give them my friend’s number and information so they could contact him, but they said that would not be necessary. Stolen Medical Bag:
I was accused, as well as another girl, prior to me, of the same thing from the same trainer. I had explained this to both the Department Head and HR, and have gotten no response; they haven’t said anything to me about it after that.
I haven’t been on the truck for a little over a month because I have problems with my down shifting and I had three issues that almost ended with me wrecking the truck. I have asked since the middle of July, as well as my first Trainer when the first issue happened, for safety to help, but they said that I need to be OTR to fix my down shifting, but they have no one to help me otherwise. I was asking before I got back out OTR because I do not want to hurt anyone! There were two other issues after my first trainer and I refused to go OTR until they gave me the needed help. But they just kept putting me with trainer after trainer and not addressing the issue. So I finally put my foot down and haven’t been OTR for a month with no help from safety.
My trucking friends, including the ones I spoke to when I was at the truck stop when I got off the last truck, stated that I was doing the right thing by refusing to drive. I know how bad my down shifting is and even the truckers that saw me doing it were in agreement I should get added help prior to going out again. It is bad! Not just rookie bad!
I hope I clarified everything. I really appreciate the help.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Regarding old post, follow up to-NEED ADVISE!!!!! Made to drive while sick and dangerous conditions.
Original message-I exited a highway at 45 when posted limit was 20. Trainer said you could have killed us. I called Fleet Manager and Safety to get help before getting on the highway again and they said the best way is with your trainer on the highway. I wanted just a few days or so on roads to get it down, but they just transferred me to another trainer and sent me out again. Was there for 3 days with no word or additional training. I had contracted the flu and severe lung infection, They said to deliver the load to WA-WI and we will "See about getting you medical attention". When on the 2nd truck I lost it on a hill and truck lost speed and I was almost going backwards out of control, or not in gear. I pulled to emergency lane and then started over again. I had the flu at this point and was told by my fleet manager to deliver the load i am under. I had a fever, vomiting (other stuff)and was still driving. i told them I needed medical attention, but still had to deliver till I could get aid. Verbally abusive trainers, two of them to be exact. And a trainer that was smoking illegal drugs. I reported him to the fleet manager and it was ignored and he was sent on another load!!! I am being called in to speak with the department head today........we will see what happens!
Outcome-They will not release my license, DMV said its something called a DL170. My temporary license will expire on September 13th. The DMV, Dept. of Labor, DOT and OSHA all have said not to get back on the truck until the company fixes the issue and if they don't release the license , then I shouldn't have to pay for the schooling since I have no license or job anymore, come Monday that is. They refuse to help me before getting back OTR. They said that they did an internal investigation on the trainers and found no fault, even though I had proof of verbal abuse, which the Employee Relations Investigator said she didn't need the statement from my friend that heard everything the trainer said to me, not to mention that a customer heard as well. My Drive Manger stated that If I don't get on the truck and went OTR within the next two days then I will be terminated and if I didn't then I need to find another line of work because trucking isn't for you. WHAT!!!!!
First of all, who the heck is she to be telling me what profession to be in and why the heck is this company so hard to get help from. It was a very simple request, nothing impossible.
Is there anyone out there that knows a company that will actually help me to down shift properly before getting out OTR so I don't kill anyone?!
Please for the love of God, Will someone help or have a good lawyer I can call?
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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NEED ADVISE!!!!! Made to drive while sick and dangerous conditions.
Talked to department head about the verbal abuse, illegal drugs and down shifting issues. He was only concerned about me getting back on the road and addressed nothing else! Will get a road test only by Safety on Friday and back in the truck asap, according to him, that's all we needed to address.
I want to feel comfortable that I have it down before getting on the highway again. Ex-Trainer said I stole bag off truck and they never tested other trainer for the drugs!!!! Advise on who to talk to about these other issues, since dept. head isn't?????
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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NEED ADVISE!!!!! Made to drive while sick and dangerous conditions.
Wow. I mean, I don't even know what to say. I would begin by refusing to drive if you're that sick. Then of course I would demand to see a doctor right away. If you have to call an ambulance yourself, then do it. Get your health right first. There's no reason they can't figure out something else to do with the load you have so you can get some help.
I had a temp. of 103.7, fleet manager knew i was sick and still had me drive. So there has been verbal abuse, illness and safety issues that I am still trying to get help with. Hopefully I will do so when I get to the terminal to talk with dept. head. will respond with outcome later. Thanks.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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NEED ADVISE!!!!! Made to drive while sick and dangerous conditions.
I exited a highway at 45 when posted limit was 20. Trainer said i could have killed us. I called fleet manager and safety to get help before getting on the highway again and they said the best way is with your trainer on the highway. I wanted just a few days or so on roads to get it down, but they just transferred me to another trainer and sent me out again. Was there for 3 days with no word or additional training. I had contracted the flu and severe lung infection, They said to deliver the load to WA-WI and we will "see about getting you medical attention". When on the 2nd truck I lost it on a hill and truck lost speed and I was almost going backwards out of control, or not in gear. I pulled to emergency lane and then started over again. I had the flu at this point and was told by my fleet manager to deliver the load i am under. I had a fever,vomiting (other stuff)and was still driving. i told them I needed medical attention, but still had to deliver till I could get aid. Verbally abusive trainers, two of them to be exact. And a trainer that was smoking illegal drugs. I reported him to the fleet manager and it was ignored and he was sent on another load!!! I am being called in to speak with the department head today........we will see what happens!
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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New student, might get fired!! HELP!!!!!
I had 3hours of driving training before being put out on the highways. They say if you don't feel safe then they will help you through it......they are lying!!!!!! I cant slow down enough to down shift for the off ramp and I requested to get more time to practice off the highway before going back out there. They said just get back on the truck and drive....really!!!!! Okay, so I don't feel safe and they are going to make me do something that can cause an accident and worse. They dropped me off in Oklahoma City and I haven't heard anything for 3 days!!!!! Trainer said I was a good driver besides that one thing....very important thing though!!!!!
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Truck driving school starts monday!
Hey guys....newb here. I start truck driving school on monday here in tyler tx. at a private school. What can I expect and does anyone have any advice? Im taking the practice courses here on TT, and reading all I can. I hope to graduate and get a job in the oilfield but im not against OTR. thanks in advance!
TT helped a lot!!!! Remember that you will be getting a lot of information in a short time. Just relax and ask questions. Nothing is a stupid question and just remember to breathe. When you start to drive, remember to relax as well, the more confident you are, not overly confident, then you will do great.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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I am a 50 year old divorced woman looking for a career change & have always wanted to drive a semi. Any thoughts on this? How or what is the best way to get started? I am currently employed full time and would like to make a smooth transition.
Hi Jan, I'm Melissa. I am 42, I just got my CDL yesterday. You can do it!!!!
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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ups Montgomery NY 7/7 to ups Irving TX 7/8 1569 loaded and 211 dead head miles, FedEx Irving TX 7/9 to Henderson co 7/9 779 loaded and 0 dead head miles, Conway Henderson co 7/10 to Conway Gary in 7/10 1000 loaded and 0 dead head, Quad graphics Sussex wi 7/11 to post office in Memphis TN 7/12 635 loaded 135 dead head....
im in Sussex wi waiting to get loaded... man it's been a busy week.. crst is a great company with lots of miles
Just got my CDL through them. Got orientation next week then OTR 28 days...good to know man!
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Hoping to head out with new company! Also, old post update!
First I want to thank all who replied to an old post several months ago, Thanks for the advice. My computer died and wasn't able to get online until today to respond, sorry.
I had a severe problem down shifting and found out my "problem" to be quite simple and hilarious! My ex boyfriend is a trucker and had me go with him on a short run and he had me drive. He said you are doing great with your shifting and you had the concept down, what were you doing wrong? He asked me in detail what I was doing when I had this issue awhile back with the "Company from Hell"?
I explained and in mid-sentence...we both start laughing so hard!!!!!!!!! He say's "Why are you braking going uphill????
So now that I know what I was doing wrong, I am more than ready to get back out there again. I have a few companies in mind and had gotten advice from trucker friends what companies they liked....Anyone out there have any suggestions for me? Would like solo, OTR, only 48 and no border crossing.