Syracuse, NY
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Worked in the financial sector since graduating from college. Decided on doing a 180 and change my career. After much thought and with the support of my living sexy wife, I did it. Currently in National Tractor Trailer School in Liverpool, NY. Just passed the permit test and all endorsements excluding tow truck and metal coil. At this point not sure about the whole flat bed thing yet. I guess I can always go back of I want it.
I am always open to advice since I am totally new at this. I totally respect all the drivers out there and now am beginning to understand what you through each day.
If my wife is reading, thank you Kathy for your support and love. Also thank you To die for wanting your dad to be a truck driver.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Stocking your sleeper cab
Just passed my CDL permit today. Also passed all endorsements with the exception of tow truck and metal coil (didn't want them...right now). First steps to my trucking career.
With Christmas coming I wanted to start getting "supplies" for the sleeper. I am wondering what kind of toys and appliances drivers are putting in there. Also are there regular plugs or cigarette lighter sockets?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also right now my decisions are between HOW and DOT Foods. Any opinions for either would be greatly appreciated.