well I've decided to hit the open road as a long haul trucker. but im worried about my driving record. I have had only 1 (maybe 2) speeding tickets in like 7-10 years but I have had numerous suspensions for failure to pay child support. I had an injury which kept me out of work. but my DL is current now and no longer suspended. will those suspensions hurt me when being considered for hire?
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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My shaky driving record...
well I've decided to hit the open road as a long haul trucker. but im worried about my driving record. I have had only 1 (maybe 2) speeding tickets in like 7-10 years but I have had numerous suspensions for failure to pay child support. I had an injury which kept me out of work. but my DL is current now and no longer suspended. will those suspensions hurt me when being considered for hire?