milton, PA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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im a hard running driver,who came from a family of old school truckers.
i was raised old school,i have southern blood in me although ive never lived in the south,so some call me a misplaced rebel.
i will and do help all in need a clock isnt goin to keep me away from helpin those in need.
i started truckin in '09 but been in the business all my life,so when ive had some sit down meals with other drivers and spoke with them most to all told me im as old school as they are and to keep the dream alive.
so when i came to TT i wasnt goin to stay past my cdl trainin but then it hit me what if others need help? so i stuck around and im glad i did for i helped others help soon to be drivers get on track. i realized the true meanin to keep the dream alive and i am doin just that.
i do graphic designing for gaming leagues ,facebook avatars/headers,avatars for various sites,i work with an internet radio station.
Posted: 10 years ago
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Green peterbilt 378 looks almost like a kw but ya can tell its a peterbilt lol , number is 134 itll have either a dump trailer or a belt trailer , yes im a grain hauler now lol. i go on more roads i never thought a truck would go on. i run Nj and the Bronx Ny
Posted: 10 years ago
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Truck Drivers Road Music... favorite songs for favorite stretches of highway
I95 South corridor in Nj on Tp , Convoy by C.W Mccall or the other good one A Country Boy Can Survive by Hank Williams Jr
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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U befriend a guard yes this may work but some are real dot failures and they will bring out a flashlight thats almost as good as a blacklight and check that trailer then what lol just sayin. dont be lazy get it done asap after every load that has meat.
He can bring that flashlight out all he wants to. The trailer is completely clean and dry.
k so its clean to the naked eye but not all blood plasma can be seen by the naked eye , and with black light it will show up.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I run my cb always and i do stop n help n let others know , we old schoolers are a dying breed because of these new breeds coming in thinking they came from momma with a truck steering wheel in their hand.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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U befriend a guard yes this may work but some are real dot failures and they will bring out a flashlight thats almost as good as a blacklight and check that trailer then what lol just sayin. dont be lazy get it done asap after every load that has meat.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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The hills are confusing this florida boy
As guyjax said check ur gauges n if ya dnt have a turbo gauge , turn off ur jakes let her ride a bit within 3 secs ull know up or down
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Ull never get over hitting ur head get a haed hat lol i did just that bc just when ya stop hittin ur head ya get a new truck and its norm all different
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I drove reefer to start and ill tell ya this , whenever ya haul a meat load hit the first washout ya find not just the ones ya know of, and why did ya have a washout only 4 days ago? did it take 4 days to run that meat load? hos i dont care bout i can make hrs come available thru dispatch or my loose leaf log book. or they will swap load. so ya can go 63 miles and get washed or ask ur dm for a spot to get a diferent trailer thats close by that ya cant get this one washed and explain why. when ya get new trailer ask for the dm to fax a log sheet of the trailer to shipper ur butt is now covered. for this trailers log will be sent and prove it had no meat product for some time.
i have had to do all these at one point n time in my career its not fun n its time consuming but if ya want the good pay ya do as ya need.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I had this issue once , some bunk heaters run with high voltage , unplug all accessories that u use that use power besides ur alarm clock . i did this and it worked
Posted: 10 years ago
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Have you ever wondered?
if ya wish and need a designer for some help bud i design now along with driving , i have my own website that i do various designs for various sites here is a link to it. http://houzeofmizfitzdesi.wix.com/houzeofmizfitzdesign