Profile For Jon M.

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    9 years, 9 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Just want to support the family

Living in Orlando, you have options other than going over the road. Learn the High Road program backwards and forwards, watch trucking tutorial videos, learn everything you can about it, then pick the best cdl school in Orlando, work hard to be one of the best students with a great attitude... you might then land a really good driving job, right out of school, that will get you home every day or at least most days. I believe there is a YRC terminal in Orlando... they hire recent cdl grads... great benefits.... good money. There are other options, I'm sure, in such a big city/

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Just want to support the family

Hello all,

First of all I would like to say thanks in advance to everyone. I have been considering this career for awhile now and have decided to take it more seriously. I had a post a few days ago but i will introduce myself again. My name is Jon. I am a Navy Veteran and currently reside in Orlando FL. The reason I am making this post is to get a little information about salary. First I want to say that I am not one of the people who thinks that I am going to make the big bucks as a noobie. I know that I will have to put in my dues. My question is pretty basic. I have seen posts in the past and on other forums saying that people have a hard time saving ANY money on the road. This to me causes concern sometimes. I want to be able to support my family. My significant other also works so I will not be the only income but she does not make much. Starting this career, will I be able to at least HELP with finances. The only reason I ask is because I have read other posts and single drivers were talking about how they were barely scraping by. Thanks in advanced and to all the people who have made me feel welcome on this forum thank you!

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Some advice would be greatly appreciated

Hello all,

My name is Jon. I am a Navy veteran and lately have been very interested in going into truck driving. I live in the Orlando FL area. I recently went over to TDI school in Sanford FL and got some information with them. They are a 3 week course and seem like a very high tuition (which im not to worried about because my veteran benefits will be paying for it). First of all I would like to ask about job opportunities in Florida. I have been told that Florida is one of the worse places to find driving jobs in the country but do not know the truth behind that. Second question is about the schooling. Is going through a private school like this the better way to go? I have money saved and money that could support me and my family while I go off to school if I chose to do something like Prime, Swift, etc. My next question is about these schools in general (prime, swift). Lets say that I get accepted to go to one of these schools, I am a little confused on terminal situations and getting home time. Im not worried about the home time in itself, but my question is that, if I join one of these schools and go to another state to do the schooling, do they match me with a job that will near my home in Orlando? I am sorry if the questions are a little confusing. Basically my main question is if I went to a school such as prime or swift, once you graduate from these school do they put you out of places near your home? Thanks for your time everyone.

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