Massillon, OH
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Wife to a driver in training, doing my best to take care of everything at home while my guy is taking care of things across the country <3
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Anybody know anything about this company? Was offered a job, reefer 44cpm and home every weekend. Ive looked online but cant anything really.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Is it common for rookie drivers to go out to team drive with other rookies? Is that generally company specific? That seems kind of backwards to me. I understand it's a learning experience but how are you supposed to learn from someone as green as you?
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Male trainees requesting female trainers
Yes, but "chapel" in the sense of a place of worship, not a place to get married (not that I've personally seen anyways). They're pretty common in larger truck stops, although they tend to be very small. I imagine not more than twenty people could attend at once at most of the ones I've seen, and even that would be pretty tight. Many local churches also offer shuttle service on various days from truck stops.
Oh that's really nice that they have that. I had never even considered anyone trying to practice their beliefs while on the road.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Male trainees requesting female trainers
...press an unconventional (men wanting women trainers, truck stop chapels) or irresponsible (beer in the truck) point.
What's wrong with a truck stop chapel? I see them all over the place.
Is that really a thing?!?
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Having Trouble Learning How To Backup
Nicole, keep trying. You'll get it. Don't focus on the trifecta, it is pretty much a myth even for a good amount of the guys. Hang in there!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Prime Inc - The Journey Begins
Congratulations and good luck!
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Friendly reminder (the trucker wife's version)
It's clear how difficult this is for you right now and that just sucks. I feel for you and your entire family....it's tough on everyone, no doubt about it. I wish there was something I could think of to say that would help.
Brett, I am doing a lot better than I was. We're all adjusting. I just wanted to give you men folk a fresh perspective from the other side of trucking. ;)
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Friendly reminder (the trucker wife's version)
Stephanie, I can tell you are a great wife and mother, and I am positive that your man does appreciate you, even if he doesn't express it as well as he should. We men are just crappy at stuff like that. I'm sure deep down he has these feelings like, "I can't live without you," "you are the love of my life," I appreciate you so much and am so thankful that I found you," etc. But it's very difficult for men to actually express these sentiments for some reason. It's just the way we're wired I guess. But rest assured, he loves you.
So on behalf of your husband, let me just say that your hard work and commitment are incredibly appreciated. Thank you for everything you do to keep the house running smoothly and for taking care of the children so well. You are the other half of the team and it could not function without you at all.
Now if I could only find some way to express these feelings to my own wife...
Just say to her what you just said to me lol. Thank you for your kind words. <3
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Ride Along On The Road With Old School
Love this post! How adorable!
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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How large of an LED TV can fit in a typical sleeper? Can Sprint wifi tether stream over a smart tv?
The secret to free wifi is a yagi wifi antenna. I paid 20$ for mine off ebay, I have it hooked to a cheap 50$ windows 8 tablet that I use as a "brain" hooked to my tv. It can pick up a signal within a half a mile and there are free wifi spots everywhere. All you have to do is point it in the direction of the wifi. I pick up internet at every truck stop from mcds,bk,wendys,dennys, even the indoor free wifi at pilot. Like I said, there are free wifi spots everywhere, you just need an antenna to pick them up