Summerville, SC
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens does accept out of state students. They have a contract school in denver colorado is where I attended.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I pass my cdl exam today. I did a pre-trip inspection, straight line backing, off-set left, and 90 degree alley dock. After that I perform a road exam.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens Transport School in Denver
Thanks Syetlana. It be me and 20 other guys if we all pass.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens Transport School in Denver
Hey Rick. Things are going pretty good. I'm in my last week of school, I am scheduled to take my cdl test on wednesday. Once I pass I will be reporting to dallas for orientation on sunday. Good luck with school.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens Transport School in Denver
Hey Brett. Basically on new years day we had the day off to prepare for our written exams. On thursday we went to the dmv to take our written exams. It took about three hours for 9 guys to test in our class. Glad to say that we had a 100% pass rate on the exams. On friday we reported to the yard to begin learning pre-trip inspection and also straight line backing.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens Transport School in Denver
On sunday about 8 am me and 6 other guys went down to the truck stop to get our dot physicals done. It last for a couple of hours. When we were done we went to the classroom to start studying for the cdl permit test for thursday. After that went back to the house and got some rest. On monday the 30th we started class at 7 am. Basically we went over all the contracts for stevens. So far the up front costs are $100 dot physicals, $90 housing, $75 for cdl permit and class a licence. Also will need survival money to live off for 3 weeks.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Stevens Transport School in Denver
Arrived in Denver about 2 am and contacted the number that I had been previously provided by the schoolhouse to arrange a shuttle ride from the airport. The van arrived in about 30 minutes and the drive out to Keensburg took about the same. Small town in a rural area. I saw a Dollar General on the way in and there is a little cafe, grocery store, post office, and laundromat just around the corner from the house. We stopped by the office and got a copy of the Colorado CDL manual to continue studying and prepare for the permit test on Thursday. We were told to be ready to go at 8 am to head down for DOT physicals and drug tests in the morning followed by a study session in the afternoon.
The house. I am not here to complain about the accommodation I am here to get the best training I can get and I have been told they are great at that part. Apparently the school owns/leases several houses in the town that the students share while attending the course. It is not a hotel, it is a house. 3 bedroom/2 bath with a dining room, living room, and kitchen. Each room has two sets of bunk beds so we can house up to 12 students in this house. The decor is straight 70's from the maroon and green shag carpet to the foil pattern wall paper. House rules are posted on the wall and are pretty simple for any adult to follow. Clean up after yourself, only eat what you buy, no booze no women. It's not the Ritz Carlton but I is a place to lay my head down at night, shower in the morning, and study in the meantime.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Staring with Stevens Transport
Hi guyzjax. I had a meeting with my dm, trainer and the director of training. While I was on the road,my trainer would get angry at me if I did something wrong and start yelling at me. So I call my dm which was his dm as well to request anthor trainer. So my dm said just try and work it out with him. So a week would go by with no issues with me and trainer. So I had miss a exit ramp and my trainer started the yelling and said I can't read so I call our dm again that he yell at me. So the dm said to just come back to the terminal so we can talk about it. As I said early I had the meeting with everyone to get both sides of the story. In the end they said that trucking is not got fit for me at the time and to come back when I have my class A licence. So I feel like I got send home because I complain to much about my trainer yelling at me. I also was my trainer first student so if that had anything to do with it. But trust me i had time to think about everything and when I get my new trainer I just going deal with the yelling because I know its only temporary. Thanks Brett for the comment my goal is to get my class A licence for the new year.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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New CDL Holder
Thanks again everyone. I will be starting orientation with stevens transport then off with a trainer.