Profile For Britton R.

Britton R.'s Info

  • Location:
    Columbia, MO

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    12 years ago

Britton R.'s Bio

I'm loving it out on the road. Cant wait to go solo. You can watch my journey on YouTube as well as read my updates here. My YouTube channel is RideWithB.

Be safe and be blessed.


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Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Calming My Nerves (in school)

Shifting comes with doing it over and over. I wasnt comfortable with it either. Then we got loads through small townw. Going from 60 to 20 mph every 20 minutes you start picking it up. I doubt they'll expect you to be perfect. It doesnt always come quickly to people. Being put into a situation that you arent comfortable with will make you learn, or break you. Just stick with it. Also only getting limited time behind the wheel probably isnt helping.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Driving To The West Coast!?







Gratz on the 2800 mile load! That's awesome. But I have a question on the tire chains. Isn't the company supposed to provide the tire chains if you are going to be needing them? If so, would you be picking them up at a terminal close to where a pass is? Just wondering...




Yes the company will be providing them. When you have the chains you keep them on the truck, you don't give them back. It's your responsibility to make sure you have the required amount and you will be picking them up from a terminal. Pick them up first thing don't wait. If you don't have chains you don't move because even though you might not need them yet, you are " class="blockquoteImageAfter">

That may be true for most companies, but Prime requires even their company drivers to buy chains, load locks, tarps, etc. It seems some time back, someone (or somebodies) ruined it for everyone by selling their equipment, then claiming they were stolen.

As usual, the few ruin it for the many.



WHAT!! No way. Are you serious? So if a receiver forgets to return my load locks that were in the trainer that means ill have to buy them myself? What's the prices go for?

Yeah, its messed up. We get to a shipper to get a load to drop at the terminal which will then be picked up and taken to mexico. The shipper puts our load locks in and we lose them because of it. Then we hope to get credited to get them replaced. Happens often. They cost $35-45.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Driving To The West Coast!?

Im 8n Cali now about to head to Maine. Gotta love l9ng runs. The only issue I've encountered out here is 5pm traffic on the 15 tonight... that sucked. And I drive for Prime so I see EVERYONE pass me hahaha.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Trucking taxes

Im trying to find info on filing taxes as a driver. My mom has done taxes for a company and usually does mine. Now that im a driver she doesnt know anything about how to do them and no one at the company she worked at knows either. I have no idea how taxes work and dont know where to point her. Does anyone have any info that may be able to help?

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Weight and finding scales

With my first trainer we were in wisconsin somewhere and the closest scale was 50 miles in the opposite direction. So we went to the closest en route scale which was 100 miles away with the hope that we were ok on weight. Nope. We had to turn around and go all the way back. Then we decided to go backwards to the closer scale in case they didn't pull enough weight off. They did so it was a wasted trip. It was a huge headache full of a lot of extra and unpaid miles.

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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OTR - Sundays & Church


You can look into podcasts/radio services as well when you can't make it to a church. Also you may get a load through wyoming/montana etc on sunday and be nowhere near a church. For me, I'd take a bible and try to find a quiet place. You can find some beautiful scenery to get close to god out there. We stopped at a rest area in montana one day that was one of the most peaceful places I've ever seen. Personally things like that bring me closer to god.


The rest area in Elk Mountain WY came to mind.. You ever been there?

I haven't.

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Training Sponsored or not

Either way you should be able to land a job as long as your record is clean(ish) and if you go private make sure they are accredited or legit.

Like the others have said its whatever works for you. Personally I would have rather went to a private school because you get more time learning. I couldn't afford it and went company sponsored with Prime. I'm getting what I need and everything just would have preferred a slower process.

Honestly what it comes down to is your budget and dedication. If you are dedicated to being a driver you can succeed at either side.

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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OTR - Sundays & Church

You can look into podcasts/radio services as well when you can't make it to a church. Also you may get a load through wyoming/montana etc on sunday and be nowhere near a church. For me, I'd take a bible and try to find a quiet place. You can find some beautiful scenery to get close to god out there. We stopped at a rest area in montana one day that was one of the most peaceful places I've ever seen. Personally things like that bring me closer to god.

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms

Swift- swing wide its a friggin truck

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Leave sunday for Prime Inc, newbie. Any other newbies will start on tuesday?

I started at Prime about a month and a half ago. Just got started with my tnt trainer a few days ago. Feel free to hit me up with any questions.

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