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Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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I've been self employed for 17 years and am required to provide an amazing amount of documents to show that. They can't be too careful I suppose.
Posted: 12 years ago
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GA Rookie So, I've been lurking around the web on trucking sights and found this one. This is by far the most positive and encouraging place to be on the web. I've been working on The High Road Training Program for about a week....and I can't for the life of me understand how some people can show up and learn all of this stuff in a few weeks. I think Brett understands that students don't learn it in a few weeks. They pass a test and move on. I want to learn/know it. Congratulations on the 97% !! I won't be training for another six months or so. However, I'm 51 and it will be a whole life-change. One I'm looking forward to. I only hope I haven't romanticized the trucker life too much. The High Road Training has me kinda scared/overwhelmed. Like you, I want to team drive and have someone in mind who will be training soon after I (hopefully) finish the training. The part the has me the most nervous is the OTR training after obtaining the CDL...your next step. What if the trainer and I don't "click". I hope I have a trainer who is extremely safety oriented and wants to share that knowledge. "Book" knowledge and practical knowledge are two separate things (for me). The "book" knowledge helps, but I particularly want to work with someone who can translate that into real world working know how.
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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What is it??
How about propane tank for the turkey fryer?