North Vernon , IN
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 9 years ago
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Good for you! Determination will go a long way in this industry.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I would like to learn how to manage the clock and make $$$$.$$ like that!
Posted: 9 years ago
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Are you going to have a YouTube channel as well?
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Good for you!That is a great feeling and accomplishment. Congratulations
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Congratulations! I hope all goes well for you. I have been trying to get prequalified with them for weeks. My recruiter has been on vacation.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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I like it! Thanks for sharing OS
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I can relate to your feelings very much so sir. I will say this it does not get any easier everytime you get ready to go back to the truck you will have the same strings pulling athe your heart that you had before but I always tried to put myself in this frame of mind when I left. I would remind myself that while I do miss them they need clothes they need food they need diapers and so much more and I have an opportunity to give them all of that. Plus once you get on the road and start to see how fun this job is it kind of distracts you just enough for it to be liveable while you are gone. Now I was lucky enough to find a local job still hauling steel which is where my interest has been since I started but I do not regret my time over the road because I feel if I had started at this local job from the beginning i would have failed by now because it's a lot more a city driving and alot faster paced so I am great full for the time I had in the beginning to a learn the ropes of operating a commercial motor vehicle and all that goes with it. Just have a little faith and don't doubt that your decision as I amentioned sure your family is just as thankful for the opportunity as you are. Good luck and I hope my ramblings help.
Well put!
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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That is a lot of bizarre stuff you went through! Glad you made it through all that and have finally got your truck and are solo. A couple of the trainers should not be training anyone the way it sounds. Hopefully you can enjoy the weekend in NC it sure is beautiful country there.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Truck wedges itself in Paoli bridge, causing it to collapse
That has got to be humiliating! That bridge has been there for a very long time. I have a lot of family that live there and they have pictures of this in Facebook.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Stressed out.
Brett said a lot when he said "what you choose to let yourself think about" When I get to a customer and it's time to deal with the people there and the issues with getting loaded or unloaded it's very easy to get overwhelmed because it seems like they don't care or understand that you need to keep a schedule. I have learned to focus my thoughts on that I work for a good company and have a great truck to do what I enjoy. Then when you focus your thoughts on the positives you'll notice that when you leave the customer you forget about the negative stuff that you had to deal with. Sometimes when my wife ask me how it went at the customer I have to think about it cause I have moved on.