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Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Yes Werner does own Roadmasters. I have called before asking about that but I wasn't really given an answer by whoever I talked to. I called recruiting on a Sunday though. Maybe it wasn't an experienced recruiter, I'm not sure. I will have to call during a week day and ask again.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
I have called and asked a few of the major companies in the past asking about accredited schools and of they would accept them and so on.Schneider and prime were some of them and a few more I forgot who I had called. I was in California at the time (currently in Texas) and I was trying to go to Dootson trucking school, that let's you learn at your own pace and claims that people can get their CDL in less than a week sometimes. I was concerned about that because a week with just a couple hours a day doesn't add up to 160 hours. All the companies I had called told me they don't care how I get my CDL or how long my training was and that as long as I had a CDL they were fine, because they were going to train me their way anyways.
I have not asked Werner this question yet, but I really don't think they would care based on the other companies responses. I will ask today though to make sure.
I apologize for seeming sensitive, I am just frustrated with my whole situation. Just when I think I'm getting somewhere something always stops me.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Ryan, that statement right there says that you have not listened to a word we are saying. It is frustrating to try and help someone who has tunnel vision like you do. You have narrowed your focus on your own perceived problem, and the only solution you want to see. We are trying to tell you that it won't work, but you are still convinced it is the only way you can go.
Your major downfall is your willful lack of resolve to get this done the right way.
First of all, I started this thread asking a question to clarify what I had read on Swift's website. I then got attacked and made to feel bad for asking such a question, which is why I elaborated. Being told the problem is with "the driver" and being asked why not just go to roadmasters instead of bailing on a company. I explained myself and answered any questions people had for me and that is all. No tunnel vision.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Thank you to everybody who has contributed to my initial question, and who have helped clarify what I saw on Swift's website.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
My fiance is currently a driver for Werner. He has been a driver for 4 years been with a few different companies and we just really like Werner so far, we have had no complaints. His recruiter and the main people up in Omaha have approved everything for us to team already, and for us to train as husband and wife. He is also on one of their best dedicated accounts, that keeps us passing through our home town quite often. We would like to stay with this company. They have offered him incentives to stay with them as a team operator as well. Not many other companies will let him train me without him working for them for a set amount of time, and this dedicated account already fits our needs perfectly. All I need is a CDL and that is my major downfall.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Are there any community or vocational colleges in your area that offer CDL training? A community college or vocational college will be a lot cheaper than a private CDL institution. Also since a community or vocational college has other education accreditations you may be able to get grants and/or take student loans.
There is one place that I know of but it is a couple hours away, and I don't think they help with lodging.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
I'm not trying to be one of those horrible people who use a company and bail out. I have full intentions to pay them back. I have nothing against swift, I just have another opportunity lined up for me. My problem is affording the schooling , I don't know how else I can afford a school other than going to a program like Swift's. They are much cheaper than other places I've found. Roadmasters and TDI both wanted 6000 and I don't qualify for that much.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Have you made sure the company you are going to hire on with will accept Swift's program?
Not yet, I am still weighing my options. Once I decide on a few different places I will ask them.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Swift training academy contract?
Unless your future teammate has experience training other student drivers, I'd suggest taking the road-training path with Swift. My future teammate is a trainer and has already been approved to train me once I get my CDL. I have also been on and off his truck as a passenger for about 4 years now. I'm just taking this approach because I can't afford $6000.00 for a independent school, and this company doesn't have a school.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Paying off contract early
So I asked a question about contracts about a week ago. I was told to not leave the company until my contract is up and I've paid off my company sponsored schooling. What if I stay with the company that trains me just long enough to pay them off, but pay them at an accelerated rate? So instead of the 1 year long commitment to the company I would only be there a couple months using majority of my paychecks to pay them off early. Can they still stop me from working for another company for a set amount of time?