Thatcher, UT
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Experienced Driver
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I began driving in '16, started out on the VAN side and last two years been doing flatbed
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Every one of these three replies is right on the "money", when I started out just over 16months ago....everyone on the road was my "enemy". G.O.A.L. is the key when going in reverse and slow & steady (like in the navy) is the key when going forward.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Do Companies see your Military Truck Driving time as years of experience in the civilian sector?
No sir, sorry they do not. Although that should prove beneficial during schooling and training.
G-Town is incorrect. Check out KoldTrans based out of SLC (http://koldtrans.com/recruiting/veteran-program/)
Kold Trans is now offering Top-Pay and Great Benefits to our U.S. Veterans: U.S. Veterans will earn up to .2 CPM above your scheduled pay with an Honorable Discharge (DD214) Excused time off for weekend drill and annual training (no vacation time required) Monthly “Veteran of the Month” recognition in company publications. Each new veteran hire will receive a hat/shirt and a special decal for their truck that recognizes them as an “Honored Veteran”.
Though I don't drive for them, I'm on a dedicated with Werner and using my Post 9/11 earning my "education benefits" whilst earning my company pay on top.
Good Luck Dude!
Posted: 8 years ago
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Start orientation on Friday at Werner
Thank you, Scott L. aka Lawdog and miracleofmagick for your reply to my post. I was push back from orientation until Monday. I am having orientation at the Fontana location.
Jordan -
Sorry for late reply been running my butt-off, home on my reset right now. CWM=CQM. Once a quarter Werner has their drivers perform SIM and CQMs. I know at Denver terminal they have a designated area in drop area that cones are setup on. Anytime you are in the yard you can practice all ya want, and/or Safety will have you do it.
Are you going OTR? Or dedicated?
Posted: 8 years ago
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Start orientation on Friday at Werner
I start orientation on Friday at Werner and very nervous about it because have not driven a truck in over a month. I am not sure what to expect at orientation and that I am a new driver.
Hey Driver-
I drive for Werner now on a dedicated account out of St George. I really like it cause I get home weekly to do my reset. They have taken care of me, have a few months under my belt before I switched over to them. On top my CPM, unload and stop pays I get my Post 9/11 GI Bill. They also gave my a brand-new Cascadia. Where are you doing your orientation? Just like any other "training evolution" if things are not going right with your trainer request a new one, if he/she is not showing you the ropes and helping you out....get a new one.
Werner has Simulators and CWM (Close Quarter Maneuvers) so if your skills arent up to par ask for training.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Any feedback on the Rand McNally TND tablet GPS?
I use the TND 530, after trying to other devices. Found the TND to be extremely accurate. I tether it to my phone so I can get current and forcasted weather conditions along with traffic conditions on route. It is mostly right on track with the QC. I purchased my TND on Amazon for a much better deal than a truck stop.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Backing Exercise - How would you backup to this door?
Apologize for slow reply to your replies been busy running this dedicated. I slid my tandems but not forward enough. The other thing I failed to mention was there was snow piles 7-10' high all around. Blind side wasn't possible, I had to "shimy" around the building just to leave. I thought about moving my sliding 5th wheel forward to but I have a roller rack attached to my frame and knew I would have an issue.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Backing Exercise - How would you backup to this door?
To left of the big electrical box there is also concrete retaining walls (where dumpsters should go) so it was impossible to move any closer to the fence. Also about two feet on each side of the stairs there are are barrier poles.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Backing Exercise - How would you backup to this door?
This is from a recent Dollar Tree drop I had, I ended up in a complete "jack-knife" position over the curb (next to electrical box)....here is a pic from google and some notes, also the address is: 148 E University Pkwy, Orem, UT 84058
There was one thing I didn't do, but only realized it after that fact.
Note: Photo and Link buttons not working properly....link below for JPEG with Notes:
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Utah: flatbed truck runs a state snowplow off the road
I had just passed that area in Spanish Fork about 15 mins before the incident.....it seems that experienced drivers and four-wheelers drive grossly negligent in that area. We've been hit with several storms and my DC is in St George with that thawing and freezing there is ice under that snow (esp in the hammer lane). I never ever ever pass snow plow./scott
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Automatic truck
Adam - don't stress the manual/auto thing.....I did. Been in 2 auto-manuals in just over 16 mo. Good to lean the auto, cause ya just "never know". You want to learn all ya can about the "truck" so worrying about auto vice manual is just not a sane "train of though". Lean in a manual so when you are in an auto-manual and driving on slick/icy/snowy roads (which you will) you'll get a better feel of when to up-down....shift in manual mode for those conditions.