Sherman , TX
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Brake Safety Week: Sept. 11-17
Do you get cas points added to your record of you fail a inspection due to your slack adjuster?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Stupid question but if your parked in an area for the night and it would be best to have your aux lights on should you idle all night or can you turn it off?
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Need help understanding 8 or 10 hour break!
Yes sir.
Thank you sir.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Need help understanding 8 or 10 hour break!
Your explanation left out a couple of needed pieces of information. You may be able to take the eight hour break if you had a minimum of two hours on the sleeper berth line earlier in the day.
Here's what you should do: set an alarm so that you wake up in time to take a look at your Qualcomm right as eight hours goes by. You will gain some time if you had a minimum of two hours consecutively earlier in the day. By looking at your Qualcomm you will be able to see your available hours when the eighth hour clicks off.
Thank you. Yes earlier I was on the sleeper line for more than 2 hours but less than 8. So when the time passes 8 hours and I look at my Qualcomm and it says that I have hours to drive then I am allowed to use them?
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Need help understanding 8 or 10 hour break!
Does that 8 hours have to be consecutive?
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Need help understanding 8 or 10 hour break!
experienced drivers I need help. A little bit ago I got a Home Depot load out of Grand Prairie Texas that's going to Oklahoma City and my appointment to unload is at 7am tommorow. I'm at a truck stop for the night and still have 89 miles to go. Today has been a lazy day meaning that Iv do done most of my 14 in the sleeper due to waiting to get unloaded this morning with a different load and waiting to get loaded with this Home Depot load. So I came off of a 10 hour rest break last night and today I was on duty for only 1 hour and 10 minutes while I only drove 2 hours and 57 minutes so added that is 4 hours and 7 minutes on duty lol. I'm parked at a truck stop for the night and so my question is is to make my appointment time is it ok if I take a 8 hour rest break or do I need to take a full 10 tonight? Sorry if this explanation is confusing lol
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Does anyone know where to buy a strap winder? Iv been told flying j and pilots but every one Iv been to in the past 2 weeks don't have them.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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So I figured that I would post a little blog on starting school to get your cdl. I started school this week and it has been a blast along with some stress. It has been mostly classroom time with watching videos and going over different test reviews. Today we went to the U.S express terminal in Dallas for driver appreciate week and got to talk to recruiters and drivers at the terminal. It was cool and a eye opener for what to expect coming out of cdl school. We also got to enjoy looking at the new 2016 freightliner cascadia and boy was it awesome. I still prefer a Pete but it was nice. Tommorow and Friday is mostly test days for my class. Tommorow were taking the general rules and combination test. Friday we will be taking the general knowledge, air brakes, pre-trip (luckily for us Texas boys it's a written test), tankers, and double/triple test! We will be taking the hazmat test at the end of the coarse when we take our driving test. So the past 3 days have been crammed with a lot of studying and reading. This is the first time Iv been in a class room since I graduated high school in 2011 so Iv had to reteach myself how to focus on one test at a time instead of letting myself get stressed out over all the test at once. I am looking forward to acing all these test so that I can start driving next week to get ahold of double clutching and shifting. So yea it's been fun so far and I am looking forward to joining a company and getting out on the road.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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I start school soon and already have a pre hire from tmc. Tmc and maverick were my 2 big options that I was debating over as well. They both pay well but tmc offers percentage pay and so far every driver that I have managed to talk to at truck stops that drive for tmc do percentage pay. They all have said that you do make more money that way compared to cpm. Also maverick now has a full fleet of automatics while tmc still runs standards. Hope this helps.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Looking for day jobs!
I am looking for local day driving jobs in the Sherman Texas area and if anyone has any information that would be awesome!