Plymouth, WA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Truck Driver, Retired Owner Operator, and thankful we got out alive and financially solvent. We'll gladly drive a company truck....
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Most companies get you thru CDL school...and then send you out with a trainer for a specific amount of time, or miles, or until the trainer qualifies you to go solo. If you are wanting a lady trainer, be sure that the company in fact offers that, AND be sure and see how long the waiting time is, from the time you finish CDL school, to when you will be put with a trainer. Usually its quite a wait. Do your research....so you will know all the factors for your future in trucking......
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Married and getting CDL to join hubby.
You will really enjoy your time with your hubby...and you will really miss your at home alone time that you had...lol. But...life brings change, and with it ...adventures !!! I love adventures... We will help you all we can..and welcome you as a sister trucker !!! hollar at us when ever you get a chance.....
I love old breed dogs....before they started breeding the brains out of them.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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YOU GIRLS JUST ROCK !!!!!!!! Great advice from all of you !!!!! I drove OTR for 15 years....I have a law enforcement background, so all the skills necessary for staying safe on the road were already instilled in me. And I can honestly say that if you listen to that little voice that tells you strange things, like "don't park here"...and "its to dark here, park under a light"....you will be fine... I personally carry a walking stick..for a few reasons. It works for alot of things around the truck...I like the stability when I'm on uneven surfaces...and it makes a wicked weapon...that everyone can see, and knows you can, and will use it......
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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I remember my first winter.....but I'd been driving in state for a long time, in all kinds of weather...so it wasn't to bad. But you will get scared, you will see things you thought didn't exist...and you will learn to respect the slick roads, and your truck. Keep us posted on your progress...
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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YOU DID IT DEB !!!!!!!! We knew you could...you knew you could...and now EVERYONE knows you can !!!! Now to get your trainer time going, and start seein' some different sights !!! Keep us posted when you can !!! I agree about the Fur Kids.....I couldn't drive truck with out 'em.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Oh Tracey....thats gonna be a hard one. theres alot of guys out there that will tell you anything you want to hear, to get you in their truck, and their bed...why not ??? they get the best of both worlds !!! THey get to share your money, and your body too.....SO walk softly...and be extra leery....
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Well said, Tracey......alot of men like the trucking life, cuz THEY like THEIR independence....but when they finally come home and find an independent little wifey....Oh Hell No !! yeah...I agree....you gotta do what you gotta do..whichever way the wind blows.
And for the record, TSB (my other half) does cook, will help with all the house work...and runs a mean vacuum !!! But he also likes his independent wife...who has, in the past, left him at home, and taken the truck out for weeks at a time by herself !! Now he's a lucky man...he has a woman who can DO IT ALL !!!!
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Thinking about just going with swift or knight .......
Shifting is a matter of using multiple senses at the same time...for different things....And now that I've confused you trying following me..... To shift you need to operate your sight, hearing,arms, and legs. You hear the engine reach full rpms for the gear you are in, you clutch in,fuel down, shift up, clutch out, fuel up. The easiest way I can think of,...and what I did, was I sat in a chair, with a cane for a gearshift....and a stiff pillow for a clutch...an extra shoe for a fuel peddle....And I ran thru the gears...both UP and Down....I made the sound of the rpms, so I'd learn to shift. Its kinda weird...but I'll tell ya...it worked...and even this practice is better than NONE>
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Can I interview you to find out if this is the job for me?
Yup....all these questions have been answered somewhere in this or the general forum...If you are truly interested, take the time to cruise this site. Nothing is free in trucking....you have to work for it...and more so for a woman....
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Well, it's official!!!
You talk about fast paced schools.....in 1997, when I got my cdl...my school was 4 days....yup....4 days.....but I'd driven alot of truck years before...so it was a matter of renewing my long rested trucking skills....and I aced ALL the tests...