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Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Happy Birthday Kearsey! Thanks for being awesome! Happiest year yet!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I've scoured YouTube many times but there isn't very much that I feel is that helpful, and very little of it is good quality.
Sorry folks!
Not a driver yet, myself, and had no business suggesting anything. Trying to keep the word count down, and only meant to ask if any experienced drivers saw those as realistic and/or worthwhile…. Thanks for answering that, Brett!
YouTube’s are largely posted as entertainment, and take too much time to wade through when looking for accurate info. I would love if TT "showed" even more practical examples of the processes of estimating and accepting loads, trip planning, scaling, load securement, etc. I appreciate active views of the tech equipment and loads, and enjoy problem solving.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Nine two double oh seven - VLog 181
Young flatbedder, uses common sense and problem solves stuff, gives a glimpse of the gear and technology he uses on a daily basis. He keeps himself focused on his career, engages with the learning process, keeps his sense of humor, and stays motivated with his portable hobby, which provides a window into his job at the same time. Also like the already-mentioned Allie Knight. These two seem to remain themselves and to accept their challenges and share some of what they do while maintaining a sense of respect for the work itself and the profession.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Hello, and question about Effective Qualcomm communication
shocked.png The horror!
Just wanted to say that i'm loving this thread. Extremely informative for a hopeful like me. Thank you all for your contributions, and keep them coming!
I'm going to start a file organized alphabetically by topic and fill it with hints like these so I can review it with my training materials.
Props for Rainy for starting this thread. I had the idea also, using a title like "Trucking Lore", or "Stuff Your Trainer Never Taught You But You Oughtta Know". But Rainy pulled this off, and now I'm just a contributor.
And, yes, sculpy, these ideas will really make your trucking life easier!
It's all y'all's fault/!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Hello, and question about Effective Qualcomm communication
I’m so thankful, Brett, to you for this whole website, for all that you and the moderators and everyone keep doing to keep it real and the genuine article! You’re a heartening bunch and I’m sure glad for the kind opportunity to know and learn from you, a pure delight.
I've used the search bar on this topic of Qualcomm messages, and made notes for my “Trucker Lore” binder, yet crave more actual examples of messages/words/phrases you all really send to your FMs/shippers/consignees at different points in your loads day-to-day? Brief ways to say what needs saying without wasting their time with too many words (like now), and that keeps good communications as much as can be? Trying to imagine how many different communications even need to happen per load assignment, with and without whatever comes up.
I’m not naturally great at this part. I have to learn how to communicate online and I’m not used to it. I managed to blunder first post, and alienate others with PMs, sorry about that! Older than most, still had to look up “PM,” “ROFLWTF," and “OMG," and even “LOL." —LOL! I love people, laugh a lot out loud, just trying to make a good life, work hard, carry on, joyfully! Learning the lingo would help a LOT for one who's just not out loud funny or witty with words! Love those of you who are, and everyanyone who posts on this site always make each day brighter! The work part’ll be ok for an introvert, but good, efficient communication being key in this career, I’d better get better at that, and fast, too. Quickly learning to concisely communicate with an FM without turning them off or wasting their time would be a great help for me. Just trying to make a life and do well, strengthen this area of weakness, be good at whatever I do. Feeling challenged in this area. I appreciate you ones who are already good at this, and am trying to learn from you, thanks! Have been living under a rock or something.
Meanwhile, I’ll be starting over on the High Road that I never finished while wrapping things up, and still have a lot of work to do there before I head out to school or training. So I’ll mostly be over there on that part of the site awhile, but graze and glean a ton of complementary wisdom and mirth from the general discussions, too. So I’ll watch for other future posts elsewhere about messages you really send, etc. Don’t like to lurk, but my questions are almost always either searchable or will be answered momentarily, anyway, and I just am continually amazed by trying to keep up with this renewable font of wisdom, just by reading. I’m making a go of it, and all ears. I do want to say Hello, I appreciate y’all, and
Thanks again!
Stone Age
Happy Holidays Safe Travels!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Got my first service failure yesterday
One of the main reasons I keep returning to this website is the sheer moral courage that so many of you drivers muster to keep an open conversation which includes wisdom in the making. Wisdom comes from experience, and your willingness to boldly share your own experiences which include occasional human oversights in all humility make you champions in my heart because you are helping others by doing so. I know that the ones who do this are aware of it, and why they make the effort to keep doing so instead of choosing the relative ease of secretly riding silently on past successes. Healthy people are able to recount both successes and failures without being threatened by either. Remaining vulnerable and open is a sign of strength and courage.
Obviously, the OP is already a very good driver with very good habits and knew his mistake right away and what steps he immediately reinforced within himself, but he kindly took the additional time and energy, anyway, to share his oversight for the sake of others, to help us all reinforce against the same possible human error. That is hugely inspiring and commendable. The one thing we all truly believe we’ll never personally forget in reality could still be overlooked by none other than our own self. Realizing that is wisdom. Sharing that is greater wisdom.
If none of you were ever admitting mistakes, then I would know far, far less of the possibility of them, of the bigger picture going into this profession. I cherish the extra step of knowledge so freely given by the OP. That knowledge not being about the obvious need for pre and post checks, but the unobvious one about how easily and without warning human error can happen when you very least expect it. I appreciate this community where it’s not only safe but welcome to recount and shed errors, check or gently chide and challenge each other to grow, and staunchly move on together for the greater good.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Single most important trait of a successful truck driver.....
I don't know how to sum this idea up in one word, but maybe "versatility?" "Adaptability?" "The capacity to roll with the punches?" You get the picture.
Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Early Fireworks--Blown Steer Tire
So glad you’re alright, PackRat!
Thanks for pictures to help sharpen our eyes and awareness of the immense importance of alignment, how quickly things can go wrong, and to always keep your cool.
Quite the pre-holiday excitement—hopefully today is much more relaxing for you!