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Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Considering making the jump to trucking at 45
Ty Gary J. My dream route would be a steady route from like Memphis to the west coast.... I know there are companies that do that. I'd also like to find someone to drive with possibly.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Considering making the jump to trucking at 45
Hi everyone my name is David from Missouri. I've read quite a bit in the forums so I've already got my question about being 46 and starting out driving not being that big of a problem. I'm interested in hooking up with a company (after I'm got my cdl of course) and doing long haul instead of regional or local. My son is almost out of school, I'm single and the idea of traveling has always appealed to me. After 20 years in finance and 5 years as a barber I'm looking to do something I think I'd enjoy and making decent money for retirement. Could anyone give me the name of a good school ...would like to stay in the general area of Missouri or within 1 state...Missouri, Ky, Tn, Ark etc etc and possibly names of some trucking companies that do long haul to the west coast and maybe more southerly if possible. Generally how long is school and driving with another person before I'm off on my own? Roughly how much can you expect to earn in your first year average? Sorry for so many questions....just now started looking into this and I'm still a bit green and don't want to make a mistake with the wrong school, wrong company.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Considering making the jump to trucking at 45
Brett: Thank you Brett, yes I'm in the process of reading the guild as we speak. I appreciate it.
Darren: Thanks Darren that sounds like exactly what I'd like to do....I'd like to get out there pretty quick but not at the expense of not knowing what the hell I'm doing. A course with a ton of one on one sounds like the way to go. Thanks for the info...