Winchester, KY
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Celadon/Quality Drivers Im so Ready for this!!
Hey Girl, I will be out there sometime tomorrow If time allows. There is a chance they will have a load waiting as soon as I am done. If I have plenty of time I will swing by to say hi to everyone. I see your in backing now. Tell Paul I said Hi.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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I have been out now for 2 weeks. I am loving it. I am back in Indianapolis for my first test. I have to come in every 2 weeks so they can see how much I have progressed. I know how to float now, set my tandoms all that good stuff. I left out and drove a load to Larado, TX. droped and hooked up to a High Risk load and took it to Shelby Montana. After that I had to go to Manahatten, Montana have them shoot 43000lbs of loose potatoes in my trailer. and took them to Minnasota to a farm had to drive dirt roads to get there. then I ran empty to Iowa to P&G picked up and relayed a load here then passed it on to another driver. I will probably test tomorrow.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I took my Celadon road test and my 90 degree today and passed. yay me!!! I will finish my orientation wendsday and wait on a trainer. I cant stress this enough Quality Drivers, and the instructors are a great and very profession bunch. I have not been screamed at, they are very patient and work hard to get you were you need to be to test. I really enjoyed my time at Quality drivers.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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OK...they are goin' in the mail on Monday....
Starcar did you ever send mine out? I never got it??
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I had so much fun doing the 90. watching my tandems drag like that was awesome!!
There were several times over the years that I had found myself in an area that was actually too small to get turned around in the normal way. Well if you jackknife the truck hard enough while backing up and you get the angle past 90 degrees, the trailer will actually start rolling forward as the tractor is rolling backward. You have to be really careful not to hit the side of the trailer with the cab of the tractor! But I've gotten out of a few spots that way. It's not something you really want to be doing if you can avoid it, but it's interesting to watch.
I will get to find all this out soon. I should have a trainer soon. My orientation ends thursday, so I should have one on or before the following thursday. I am so excited!!
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I just passed my permit. Im so happy. Waiting on the recruiter to get back with me.
That Is awesome!! You go girl
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you!! I have been working on my 90 degree back. Monday I will have to test into Celadon. I will have to do a 90 degree, and some driving. I ended my time at Quality Drivers today and Orientaion starts monday. I will also do a Physical for Celadon. I had so much fun doing the 90. wathing my tandoms drag like that was awesome!!
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I passed!!! yay, I am sooo.. happy!!! I have my CDL.
Okay, what are we talking about moneywise here. Are you going to get a training salary, or cents per mile?
I will get $50 a day during training.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Stopping in to say hi
Hello Ladies. I hope everyone is doing okay? I have been on the road for about 2 weeks. I am stopping in for my 2 week eval. Little driving and backing then back out again. I am loveing it.