Profile For Renae S. (Angel)

Renae S. (Angel)'s Info

  • Location:
    Lewiston, ID

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 8 months ago

Renae S. (Angel)'s Bio

44, single mother of 2 adults (finally) with 1 beautiful grandbaby.

Worked at different jobs over the years; sometimes 2 or 3 jobs at a time just to try to survive on my own. Jobs ranged from transcription, receptionist, billing, x-ray technician, cashier x's 3, baker, cake decorator, nail technician, fish and game access site cleaner (scrubbed toilets and hauled garbage), sales associate/manager x's 2, housekeeping. The jobs I loved the most were the most difficult and physically demanding (baker and fish and game access site cleaner.) When I looked back at everything, that surprised me.

I've always loved driving and alone time. The older I get the more alone time I want and need. Trucks don't care how old I am. I'm still healthy, if a bit more round than I should be. (I'm working on that. Lost 5 lbs in 7 days already. 20 lbs in 3 months gone. Yay!)

My kids don't need me to take care of them and it's time to do what I want.

ALWAYS wanted to learn to drive a truck and go over the road. Kids and 2 ex-husbands put the brakes on that until now. Maybe I can earn a living, see the country, AND make my kids lives easier than I had it.

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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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My CDL Training Diary With Prime Inc

I can't comment on the medical issues, except that they may ask for a cardiac approval in addition to the regular dot physical in order to be hired. Expect the unexpected from any company.

That said, trucking does have peak seasons, but it actually never stops. A lot of drivers take off the winter months or take vacations in the summer. Depending. The company, the type of products hauled, and driver availability may actually help keep you moving.

Good luck!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Not sure i was made for trucking

I have never experienced "boot-camp training." I do know that trainers without the ability to maintain control of their own emotions and expecting expert behavior or knowledge from a student aren't worthy of the position.

Ask him if this is his usual method of training and what he is expecting you to get from it. If he can explain what he's doing and willing to hear your concerns, great. Otherwise, go over his head. He is not helping you become a driver if you are afraid of tripping his buttons instead of learning the skills you need.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Panic is pretty normal. There will always be something to learn, practice, and master. The great thing is you will get there. Some will come easy and others not so easy. Your determination and ability to face your fears will determine where you are in 3 months, 6 months, a year.

You know how Facebook has those "from a year ago" posts? Find a way to look back every once in a while. You'll be amazed at what you've been able to do!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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I'm on my way!

Congratulations! Trucking isn't a one-trick pony. Options will open up. Especially, talk to other drivers working the seasonal jobs. They'll give great advice because they face the same issues you will.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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I want my CDL but feel intimidated by the horror tales

Your fiancé will have a harder time getting qualified than you will. It will depend on how long ago his felonies happened and what he's done since.

The trucking industry runs the gammit when it comes to the physical requirements. It depends on what YOU CHOOSE.

The most physically taxing thing I have ever had to deal with was fighting the landing gear. Sometimes the gear gets a little bent and it makes it hard to turn the handle. Usually persistence and a sweat rag are all I need.

I climb in and out of the trailer to place loadlocks or straps and sweep. Pretrips involve pulling the hood open and closing it again and observing or wiggling parts of the truck to check fluids, connections, and wear. Otherwise, it's observation from all sides, including underneath the trailer.

By the way, I turned 46 in January. I have arthritis in multiple joints including knees, neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, ankles, wrists and fingers. (Most is from injuries.) I won't work anywhere that requires freight loading or unloading. No flatbeds, no tankers.

I will not say there are no horror stories. This industry is 95% male. However, I've heard horror stories perpetrated by women too. One was female student who took pictures of her male trainer then claimed he harassed her. He was covered and the curtain was closed. (Seriously? How did she take a picture?) The perception is always the male is the problem. It's not true.

Use your common sense and reasonable precautions. Most men may look, but unless you invite closer consideration, they leave you alone. You've dealt with men your whole working life. Be polite. Be professional. Be gracious. Many men still hold the door, offer extra muscle, and offer advice and assistance. Accept or decline according to your need.

When I first started out I had a heck of a time weighing the loads and adjusting the tandems. I'd play ring around the scale several times before approaching someone or someone approaching me. Not once was I given attitude or bad advice.

That being said, guys will be guys. I have a cb. I have heard men talking about me on the radio. I have heard men talking trash about women. I have also heard prostitutes advertising their services. (Nevada is interesting.) Most of the time I chuckle and keep my mouth shut. Occasionally, I bring the trash talk to a screeching halt by questioning the abilities of their favored body parts. Occasionally, it has the opposite effect. Lol. I just laugh and tell them my name is Bertha!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Well, here goes!

I start Swift academy in Fontana tomorrow morning.

Congratulations and good luck out there!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Podcast #13: Three Problems Rookie Drivers Struggle To Overcome

Brett, you really nail so many issues on the head. We're lucky to have you.

I have been absent here for quite a while but I have not been absent on the road. I've been spending my time in the last couple years learning the job, the road, and adjusting to my new life. I have gone through many ups and downs on the way.

The company I started with is labeled a "training" company because of the number of students they run out on the road. My class started with over 70 people and passed 7 or 8. This was just the first week. Many came to the school with disqualifying conditions; such as not passing the physical or legal disqualifications. Others decided the fast pace was too much. Others, (a lot of others) left because of pressures and circumstances at home.

A few couldn't handle the trucks.

Of the people who got out on the road with trainers, many got on the truck with bad attitudes and unrealistic expectations. They didn't last very long. I watched a lot of people who made it this far leave because of more pressures from home.

As a student, you need to enter with an open mind, a good attitude, and the willingness to work. Without those qualities, it's too easy to self-sabotage.

Home life is an incredibly huge factor in success or failure in training. Even if you're doing exactly what was agreed to, they can't see or touch you. You become unreal. They're used to you being there to lean on and suddenly you're not. They feel abandoned and you feel like a loser who can't take care of anything because you're not there. Communicate, but everyone needs to know that without this phase there won't be a payoff at the end. Drivers are in demand everywhere. The options become open only by going through the training phase and the rookie phase.

Expect hardship. Expect to run your tail off in between being stuck in one place. Expect to be required to constantly train and retrain. Expect other drivers to either ignore you, treat you like a bug, or fill your ears with so much garbage fact and fiction become interchangeable. Expect isolation. Expect pay fluctuations. (By a lot!) Expect stress. Expect to feel and be stupid on occasion (mistakes do happen.)

Expect every day to be different. Expect every day to see something incredible. Expect every day to feel amazed. Expect every day to be amazing!

Most of all, expect to feel proud of the job, yourself. You literally learned something that feeds, clothes, and houses the entire country and the world! How amazing is that?

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Tired of being a stepping stone.....

You never know who you'll meet during training and once you're on the road. It's a lifestyle. You hear and see that a lot when talking to drivers or researching truck driving.

I started out with nothing in July of last year. I had to borrow money just to eat my first month. I'm now earning better than any other job I've had, but I also am able to save, and dream of things I didn't believe I'd ever have.

That being said, it's a shocking adjustment. The first few months you'll run into situations that you can't imagine. Like stopping at a major chain truck stop to take a shower and do laundry. There's 3 washers and 5 dryers. Awesome! 2 of the washers and 3 of the dryers have out of order signs. The washer that works had a wet load that you patiently wait for over an hour for the owner to claim. As soon as you load and put in your money it promptly quits working.

Good luck finding a regular laundromat where you can park a tractor and trailer, much less actually have the spare time anyway. Gotta keep the wheels turning pot your income blows away.

Banking? Don't make me giggle. Shopping? Wal-Mart anyone? Doctor appointments? Good luck with that.

Sounds like I'm complaining right?

Now...ask me the important question.

Do you like what you do?

No! I LOVE what I do!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Getting Started with CR England

I wrote an update last night and my wifi disconnected. Grr.

The long and short is it took 3 driver managers, 3 training coordinators, 4 trainers, and 2 months from when I was hired to get my cdl.

No, it's not an exaggeration. One trainer quit, one was so allergic to cigarettes I couldn't stay in the truck even with daily showers, clean clothes, and smoking far away from the truck on breezy days. I refused to get back on his truck for medical reasons.

Out of those two months I only drove with trainers for half. The other half was waiting for trainers to be assigned. I finally got to the idaho dmv and was told everything was great but they needed to clear my permits and class d off my state record.

The next thing i heard was, "How long will the system be down? "

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Getting Started with CR England

So far I covered going through the course at slc. I have to say that after visiting other cr england facilities and schools, they're is set up differently at each one. The basics are the same but every person does have a different experience.

The school's main goal is to get you familiar with the truck, driving, and getting your cdl. They require 180 hours of training on the road. After school a trainer is chosen for you or they choose to take you as a student. I know that sounds confusing, but it really is like that.

I was talking with a trainer who had just dropped off his latest student. My friend was ready to go on the road and they were still looking for a trainer for him. I introduced them to each other and that day they were on the road.

My experience was different. I didn't find a trainer I was able to go with, so they found one for me. It took about a week. I was only with her for 10 days and I got a call saying I needed to get back to idaho for my regular license. So, 5 minutes later, my trainer was given a new student and I was wondering how to get to my state. They pulled me without having a solid plan. That turned out to be good and bad.

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