Profile For Gator

Gator's Info

  • Location:
    Indianapolis, IN

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 8 months ago

Gator's Bio

Driving a truck is the farthest thing I could find from my previous career...

I just started, literally got my license in May, went to training with a company and last week got issued my own truck. So a week in and I am not so confidant....Time will tell.


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Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Comfort / Discomfort of driving

Brett, which type of support do you recommend...I am willing to shell out for the mesh one if its better...

Thanks Fatsquatch, I change my position frequently but not having to perform stretches or hit switches with my toes is always a 7 Basic Ballet Moves

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Comfort / Discomfort of driving

Definately going to try that...

comfort is a must!!


Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Comfort / Discomfort of driving

Ok I first thought this would be a stupid post...and maybe it actually is....

I am looking for advice on dealing with getting beat up by these rough back is killing truck rides 'nice' but bridges and big bumps are killing me. Anyone have some ideas how to make things more comfortable?

I drive a 2010 Pete


Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Roehl was my first choice out of CDL school. I actually accepted a postion with them and got everything rolling before I found out that they have a 'payback' for their expenses. I did not have issue with it persay, but they were in control of all the variables. It was like $10,000 to pay back if I left before driving like 75,000 miles for them. I just could not sign on to something like that and be handcuffed. I love the company from what outside research and talking to drivers but that was a deal breaker for me.

I would just ask your recruiter about that and make sure you have all the facts.

I ended up at WEL Companies out of De Pere Wisconsin.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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There is a video from the dash cam of one of the cops....the driver was swerving back and forth trying to get that bolder out...and he dragged it a good long ways...

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Waking the trainer

In my training we did not team drive much at all....I would drive and he would sit up front at least till he felt comfortable I could dive. Then he might go in the back and lay down and talk on the phone. He dozed off a few times but never a planed sleeping time while I drove. Even when he drove I sat up front and we talked about what was happening and advice and other topics to help me with my driving and such trip planning and sorts.

The last day of training we team drove because the company dispatched us to a location and they took to long to unload us and I had no time on my clock and had to be back at home office for my road test at 8 am. Se he drove the rest of the night while I tried to sleep.

I really appreciated having him awake so I did not have to wake him with questions as well as him being able to advise me on lane choice going through like Atlanta.

I would not change my training, I learned a ton and my trainer was AWESOME....but I would not go back to driving with another man for 3 weeks again either.

Good luck.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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A Frustrating Day

Today was a frustrating day....I think I learned some things though but would love to hear from some of you how I might have better handled today...

It started out great I had trip planned my delivery to no just be on time but to be close enough that I would be able to take my 10 hour break and then deliver without having to go on logs.

Everything was fine except there has been an annoying hissing sound from my seat air hose. I tried to tape it but that did not work. Well...this morning it finally broke. So I had to call our Break down and find out what they wanted me to do...I took it to the closest TA and sat on my hands while I waited for them to literally unbolt the broken line and bolt a new one in. So my clock started as I drove to the TA. 4 hours later and I was on my way to my drop and hook pick up.

I should have fueled at that TA but my thought process was to that I wanted to get to the drop and hook as quick as I could and find a place to fuel and over night so I could fuel and pre-trip at the same time. Bad move as my Reefer was bellow the required 3/4 of a tank to drop and I forgot to check that (lesson learned).

Anyway...I went and got fuel and then got my pick up and with not much time left on my clock...I parked in a rest stop actually as a sitting duck but walked to the rest stop and found an open hole and moved...I would not have been able to sleep where I was.

My questions are as such.

Do you just cut your losses when you burn 4-5 hours of wasted clock and find a place before you drop and hook?

I know some of the stopping places will become familiar as I am driving longer...but what a good way for me to find a good spot to stop?....I rely very heavily on my GPS and that makes me nervous.

How much time is reasonable to leave left on my clock? I get really nervous about getting close to an hour...I just do not want to be forced to stop somewhere I am not comfortable.

Where are some good stops with good food close by? (All around the country as I think most of us will be around...I am mostly East but when I go west I sure would like to have a good meal with a good rest.

Sorry for the thesis.


Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Local/LTL companies west Michigan?

Take a look at NTB I think they are based out of Grand Rapids. I looked at them and almost went there. They do regional and have you home a lot.

Good luck

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