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Considering A Career
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Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Great question I was just about to ask it , I am 61 and starting school next month and have been wondering if I am to old myself. I have been in the oil & gas industry for 39 years and just got laid off due to the falling rig count and oil prices.
I am in the exact same situation. 30 + years. Laid off directional supervisor. Need some insurance at my age. Oh well, waiting on the next boom.
Have considered retiring, but we all know where that ends. Nope, not yet.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Great question I was just about to ask it , I am 61 and starting school next month and have been wondering if I am to old myself. I have been in the oil & gas industry for 39 years and just got laid off due to the falling rig count and oil prices.
I am in the exact same situation. 30 + years. Laid off directional supervisor. Need some insurance at my age. Oh well, waiting on the next boom.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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You're certainly not too old. And we're entering the busy season leading up to the holidays so companies should be hiring pretty strong over the next couple of months. Keep at it.
Thanks, I will keep at it. Didn't want to spend the time and money to renew my CDL without being pretty sure of a job. I'll have to get a little more aggressive I suppose. I have sent out lots of online inquiries, but will have to get on the phone, I guess.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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I'm not getting any response to my application or pre hires. Nothing negative on my driving record. Solid employment history. 63 years old in good shape. Have had CDL several times through the years. No negatives. Am I just to damn old now, ya think?
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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What is the weirdest/coolest/interesting Freight you have hauled?
Nope, not torpedo tubes. Not sure what they are used for, but definitely not torpedo tubes. Since I was a Torpedoman's Mate (TM) in the Navy (a rating that no longer exists in the Navy), I can assure you they sure don't look like any I saw on the boats (submarines for you land lubber folks).
these are used to confirm a consistent inner diameter in a pipeline. Shoots a tool called a rabbit through the casing.\