Profile For Rachel G.

Rachel G.'s Info

  • Location:
    Tyler, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 7 months ago

Rachel G.'s Bio

I worked odd jobs after finishing high school from dipping berries at edible arrangements, tutoring middle school kids to working as a cashier at a home improvement store. I was going to college but only because it's what I was supposed to do. I majored in accounting then business management then I quit. It wasn't for me. I went to truck driving school and within a month I was on the road. Just like any other job it has its ups and downs but I love what I do and I love the life that goes with it. I've driven for Werner for the past year. I teamed up after training (i liked it but i value my personal space too) then went solo OTR. In the last month I started a new dedicated account hauling Tractor Supply freight.

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Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Tennessee troopers take to truck to nab texters

Yep, they've had that truck quite a few years now. They cruise along I-40 between Knoxville and Nashville often. They use the cb handle Trucker Bear. My dad used to see and talk to them often. It was so funny, there was actually a DOT officer with the same name as my dad. My dad retired from Exxon in 1980, and from Proline Carriers in 2000. He never had a single accident in a commercial vehicle in all those years. He passed away in February 2014 at the age of 84.

Thanks for sharing Sue D. 'Trucker Bear' too funny! I bet your dad got a kick out of meeting a dot officer that patrolled in a truck. I imagine he had a lot of road stories and wisdom that he passed on to you. My dad drove trucks too, and he's given me some of the best advice I've ever gotten about driving and life in general for that matter

I'm sorry to hear that your dad passed. He'll forever be with you.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Floating Gears vs Double Clutching

Curious to know who does and who doesn't. Why and/or why not?

I'm curious about it too. I float most of the time. To me, its a lot smoother and i find it much easier to catch the lower gears. Going through company training and cdl school I was taught strictly to double clutch, but afterwards my co driver taught me to float.

It also seems like some drivers scoff at double clutching but I'm sure there's a reason why it's mandated so widely. Maybe a safety issue?

I double clutch , because I have bad luck with the gear popping out, when I don't.


Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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New dedicated account "m-f" need advice

. It may all work out beautifully in the end or the account might dissolve completely. Who knows? But don't look at it like you're being used. It sounds like someone made a mess out of things and you wound up getting stuck in it. It happens. If your company can't give you any clear answers then they simply may not be getting any themselves from the customer. What can you do, right? In that case I would go back to OTR and tell them to give you a call when things settle out.

Brett you're right. "Used" isn't the right word for it. Someone made a mess and I'm stuck in it. I really appreciate your perspective on my situation.

Earlier today I had a fairly productive conversation with my FM. Next week most of the account's Arkansas stores will start receiving loads (this will increase avg. length of haul and freight). As of right now the work week will run M-Sat. morning, but they're considering a few different permanent options based on what will work best for the customer. He did say that they've run into a lot of problems and changes from the initial plan. I talked to some other drivers today and heard the number of drivers on the account was cut back. Based on the sign in/out sheet at the DC there are less than 7 that picked up a load since yesterday. I'm not sure what to think about that situation. Anyway...I'm going to see how the next few weeks go. I'm happy with my cpm (if miles go up), the possibility of getting through the house during the week, and at least a 34 on the weekend.

If it works out, I'll be happy I stuck with it and if it doesn't? At least I tried.

Thank you all for the advice. I appreciate you guys. -

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Having Trouble Learning How To Backup

It took me forever to get backing down. I totally lucked out on the backing portion of my test. In New Mexico you have to do a straight back (i had that down), lane change (also not a problem, but the last maneuver was one of three: drivers side alley dock (50/50 chance of failure), parallel (for some reason this clicked) or the dreaded blind side alley dock which, naturally, i ended up having to do for my test. Either out of shear luck or simple determination I put the truck where it needed to go. Even once I got on the road with a trainer I struggled for a long time. My eureka moment came when I realized when I'm backing I'm just doing the opposite of what I would do pulling out of the spot. This may seem common sense to most but this idea really helped me. Ask yourself "if i had pulled out of this spot and the truck was in this position, which way would my wheel be cut at this point and to what degree?"

Also, the old rule turn right to make the trailer go left doesn't work for me at all it still hurts my head to think about . I turn toward the problem to make it smaller. Ex: If the trailer favors the drivers side too much turn toward it.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Be patient with yourself. You will get it.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How was your first load?

When I was in training the first time years ago with my trainer we were on a dedicated run from New Ulm MN To Kansas City mo to some caves I never had to pull in or should I say back into the caves at kraft in kC until my first solo load lest just say it took me almost 3 hours to get backed into that cave

One of my first solo trips I picked up at business complex in KC called subtropolis (may or may not be the same place). I was thinking it was a produce place* subtropical fruit? When I pulled up to it and saw the tunnels going into the side of a hill I almost turned around. I didn't know I had a phobia of being underground until that day. Lucky for me the guard told me how to approach the place so I wouldn't have to blind side it and a dock worker spotted me while I was backing but it still took everything in me to keep from freaking out long enough to put it in the dock.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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New dedicated account "m-f" need advice

Rachel, one of the things TT suggests for brand new drivers is to take the loads - crappy or golden - don't complain, pay your dues. And sometime in the future your DM will recognize you as a quality driver. You will get your reward - more of the good loads.

You are in the middle of setting up a new account. That's more complicated! Your DM did get back to you "there is a lot of confusion and changes being made right now that is making things crazy" You are one of the few drivers on this account. You use your patience, do what you can to clear the rough stuff, you will stand out as a flexible, git-'er-done driver way better than the "regular" new OTR drivers.

In the past I've dealt with short runs, low freight, new fleet managers ect . The experience taught me to: manage my time wisely, communicate efficiently and take the good with the bad. In the past I paid my dues and reaped the rewards (good miles and a good working relationship with my FM. My last FM asked me to come back to his board if this dedicated position doesn't work out.) There's no doubt, in this industry you have to prove yourself but there is a point at which you must draw a line. In the past I took what I was given and made due, but I feel after nearly a month of "paying my dues" (less than 1000mi/wk, +weekends) and seeing no change in sight i needed to speak up. There is a difference between paying your dues and being used. If I'm on a sinking ship I won't be going down with it.

I talked to my FM briefly today but I'm going to talk to him tomorrow at length in the morning. Whether I stay on the account has yet to be decided. No one knows what the future holds.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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New dedicated account "m-f" need advice

Thank you all for the great advice This morning I sent my FM a message: I'm sorry for losing my cool. I need you to be clear with me. I was asked Friday if I could work this weekend and said no. You said weekend work would be required but I assumed that because you asked if I could work I had a choice. However if you had told me I had to work this weekend I would have. I know this is a new account and I'm sure you're busy enough without having to placate drivers but can you call me when you have time?

he replied right away: I will give you a call soon. I should have been more clear, there is a lot of confusion and changes being made right now that is making things crazy

So as of right now I'm waiting for him to call.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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New dedicated account "m-f" need advice

thank you guys for the advice

I've been driving for this company otr for a year now. I'm very good at managing time if it was possible to get my 34 I would've. My fm is on site at the DC until the end of the month. I'll definitely try asking for an appointment to talk to him. ***Friday I asked a few questions over the qualcomm; it started with him asking if I could work this weekend and me saying no.

ME : When did the work week change and why?
FM: the customer wants Saturday and Sunday deliveries, it changed last week
ME: I feel like it's important that you let the drivers know when changes like that take place. How will weekends work? Will there be any advanced notice or scheduling?

He quit answering

Weekend dispatch took over and i was assigned a load. When I called them asking why I had been assigned the load the said they knew fm talked to me about it friday. I left him a message asking him to call me but I haven't heard back.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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New dedicated account "m-f" need advice

I started this account three weeks ago. It's my first time on a dedicated account. During the initial meeting with the account management they told myself and the other drivers it would be Monday thru friday. However now as of Thursday my fm sent out a message saying that some weekend work would be required. I worked last Sunday as a "favor" (250 mile run that cut my 34 short, picked up at 3 am and delivered at 0800). Anyway Friday came around and my fm asked if I could work this weekend, I said no. Saturday morning I was assigned a load anyway. Am I right in being mad about being assigned a load while I'm on hometime? The fleet manager is new and the account is new; can i chalk this up to inexperience? The account has been running for a month, I'm still getting less than 1000 miles a week. I've been told to be patient but I'm about ready to go back otr. I really need some advice I liked the idea of more hometime, but at least otr it's 2 weeks out for 2 days off without worrying about work during my time off.

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