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Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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In case you are not aware, Pride was started by one of the folks associated with CR England. There was split with the co-owners and they started Pride to get away from some policies they did not agree with (that is what the rumor mill has on that). I personally have never looked into that but it sounds reasonable to me since basicly the same thing happened in Lincoln NE when the Shoemaker brothers split their operations with competing truck stops across the street from each other.
Yes but the owner of pride has nothing to do with CR England. They are brothers I do believe. Also a friend of friend works for pride and loves it especially the directv and pet policy cuz my cat is coming with me!!
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Quick question about Prime and the cdl
Im tired of being over taxed and under respected,just because I smoke...and get the chimpany to pay the fee!
Look up how much EACH federal judge in the supreme court is paid ($200k+ until death).
I feel you there. Instead of out rageous tax on cigarettes: Let's tax more realistic deadly afflictions, such as fast food. I think $10 minimum flat tax should be fair. Two 3,000cal pure fat burgers from McDonald's should be $20 + $0.99 * 2 = $21.98; Very fair. Cigarette pack (20) should cost no more than $1.08.
In the mean time: First trip to Missouri you get... Buy Decades! $1.50/pack or so, after tax. Taste identical to a $8 Newport. :)
And the lung cancer will taste good to!!!
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Essential oils will do the trick great natural stuff.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Hello I'm new to this forum. I'm 35 single female no kids and have decided to get my CDL. My good friend is a retired trucker and I also have another friend who drives for Walgreens regional. I've decided to go with Pride Transportation. They have the most regimented a schooling out there. 12 weeks in salt lake city Utah. I want to learn how to do everything right and can't wait to see this amazing country!!!
Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Relationship with a trucker
So awhile I ago I thought I wanted to get my CDL. I have allot of things going on at home and obligations like owning horses, I decided not to get my CDL and prosue a different career instead. The min I make this decision i meet a fantastic man who guess what is a trucker!!! After already learning so much about the industry I know this will be tough but willing to try. Who is married or dating a trucker? How do you make it work? We plan to talk everyday. Spending quality time together when he's home. Any suggestions?